Chapter 20

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Two sets of footsteps echoed throughout the halls, slightly alarming any soul near enough to think it was a soldier gone mad. "Arthur! Wait!" Alfred called out. "No! Stop chasing me, you twat!" Arthur yelled back. Alfred muttered to himself, "Arg." He decided to take a detour through the next hall. There was no doubt that Arthur was heading for the forest towards the right of the castle.

Alfred was faster with longer legs than Arthur, so they met up at the same intersection at the same time. They both made a grunting sound and fell to the floor. A maid nearby seemed to be debating on whether to help the situation, but Alfred shot her a no- don't- come- any- closer- this- doesn't- concern- you look and she bowed before speed- walking away. 

Arthur suddenly recovered from the fall and looked like he was going to run away again. Immediately after he shot up to his feet, Alfred too stood up and slammed his hands on either side of Arthur. Arthur jumped and avoided eye contact with Alfred. It reminded Alfred of a restless cat. "Arthur..." Alfred breathed, a bit out of breath from the chase, causing Arthur to stop fidgeting. 

After a few centuries worth of moments, Arthur opened his mouth and said. "Th-this isn't something that you should worry about." Alfred grit his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows. "Arthur, I know what's going on. How the fucking hell did you start seeing Francis?"  A brief look of surprise was quickly wiped off of Arthur's face and replaced with an angry expression.

"You think I've been seeing that frog?" "Don't fucking lie to me. His damned smell is all over you."  Alfred growled. "I didn't even know his real bloody name until today." "So you've been hanging out with him every time I'm gone." Alfred's face got closer to Arthur's. Before Arthur could argue back, Alfred had both his hands held on the wall above his head. "Wh-What-" Arthur stuttered before Alfred cut him off.

"If that frog hasn't been doing you, then I can check, right?" Arthur blushed. "O-oi!" Alfred ignored his lover's protests and pulled his bow off, though gently, before unbuttoning his light blue vest (thingy that he wears under his coat with black- brownish buttons) and pulling up his white dress shirt. "Huh?" There were no hickeys or bruises to be seen, but on Arthur's stomach, there was a strange mark that was oddly shaped. 

"Why do you have a guitar shaped mark on your stomach?" America tilted his head in confusion. "Th-that's..." Arthur seemed to be debating on whether to tell Alfred or not. Alfred softly and quietly sighed before letting go of Arthur's wrists and rebuttoning his vest and tying the bow around his neck. He held Arthur's head in one hand while the other touched his arm and lightly kissed Arthur's cheek. "I'm sorry." 

Arthur snuggled his head into Alfred's shoulder. "It's ok. I really should trust you more. I apologize, too." Alfred smiled and chuckled. He stepped away from Arthur and the other straightened out his clothing. Arthur looked down and sighed. "I suppose this means that I should answer your question then."

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