Chapter 15

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Ok guys! I've got the whole plot figured out :3 so I won't be updating every century. I'm probably going to be lazy a lot, as I always sleep at 12 because I'm an Aquarius and a lot of Aquarians have insomnia due to their fast moving minds. (No, it sucks to have such a fast mind. It doesn't always mean that your intelligent. There are cons too, but I wont waste your time cuz I talk too much.) For this fanfic, you'll have to know some references such as HetaOni, Joan D'Arc, etc. for this story to be more emotional. I'm not too sure that there will be more references though. Sorry for the quality of the video. It was the only available video of the three instruments with that song. I really like it. This may suck shit because I'm watching Danganronpa while typing some of this cuz yolo. This chapter was a bit too lengthy, so I had to cut it into two parts. Idk why you guys need to know that though. Ah well. Also, there is a slight edit in the hearts section of the prologue. Ok, I'll shut up now. Enjoy! :3


A sweet, soft sound coated the atmosphere in a calming, peaceful mood. Violin, piano, and flute notes bounced softly off of the tall walls of the auditorium with some escaping into the halls, quietly echoing the sweet melody of the small family playing. Praising but mature applauses and standing ovations followed the end of the serene piece. The three musicians bowed with smiles and walked off the stage.

"The audience looked so pleased!" The father said. "Oh, we were just wonderful! You were a big help, Roderich. Without you, we would have never gotten such large positive feedback from the crowd. Thank you!" The mother exclaimed and kissed her son's forehead. The 9 year old boy, Roderich, smiled back to both his parents. "Your welcome, mom, dad. Whens our next concert?" "Next Friday." Replied Roderich's father. His mom laughed. "Aw~ Roderich, my little musician. I see you love the light." "It's mostly the instrument playing, actually." "Oo~"


"I'm home! Mommy! Daddy! Are we going to the concert now?" Roderich's voice echoed through the house. He threw his backpack excitedly against the cabinet. "Hello?" The boy searched all over his large house. Where were his parents? In the kitchen? No. In the living room? No. In the bathroom? Nope. In their bedroom? No. Roderich walked into the music room. Instruments of all kinds were neatly placed in their cases and cabinets and shelves. "Mommy? Daddy?" Roderich's small voiced echoed off of the walls and bounced back to him. It hadn't dawned on the small young boy that the huge window of the large room was shattered. Shards had been sprinkled onto the ground like glitter. Blood dotted and colored and stained the pieces of glass. "Oh. I guess they went out. I hope they didn't forget me." Roderich sadly walked out of the room.

Bam! Bam! Bam! A loud, impatient, angry banging was coming from outside, behind the front door. Roderich ran to the source of the loud sound. He nearly tripped, as if his feet were racing each other to get to the door and were trying to beat the other foot. Roderich flung the door open happily. "Oh good! I thought you'd forgo...tten...." Behind the door was a  tall, large brunette man. He did not look happy. Anger was scribbled onto his red face. "Where are your parents?" He demanded. "Uh, they're not-"
"Then where are they?"
"I don't-"
"Why the hell not?! Do you know what kind of chance they've lost?! A chance to play for the king is a once in a million life times chance! Well, you've just lost it! He'll behead your family as far as I know!"
The angry jack stomped away, leaving Roderich in tears. He was so scared by him. The pressure was unbearable, he could hardly stand. "Ooh!" He cried out after closing the door. (A/N I'm aware that Roderich would probably a more unemotional child, but this is prepuberty, so it could really be anything.)

Not even a day had gone by that word spread about the Edelsteins and how they hadn't shown up to play for the king. Roderich hadn't left the house. He was hungry and lonely. He was also cold, but couldn't figure out why. "Mommy, come out. Daddy, I'm looking for you. Where are you? I miss you." Roderich sang. Although he was only 9,  he knew about abandonment. "Don't leave me~"  

Knock. Knock. Taps started coming from the front door, right behind where Roderich was sitting. "Huh?"  He happily opened the door. "Oh! Grandma! Hello!" Roderich jumped up and hugged his mother's mom. "Greetings, Rod. I'm here to take you to my home." Grandma smiled and lightly hugged the 9 year old back. "Huh? What about Mom and Dad?"  Roderich cocked his head to the side a bit. "They're on vacation, honey." "Without me?" It was unlikely that his parents left him without telling him... They were too close.

"Are you sure?" "Yes. Now lets go." Grandma adjusted Roderich's hug so she could carry him out of the house. "But-"  "Shush, Rod." He closed his mouth reluctantly. Grandma set Roderich down in the back seat of her blue Spades wagon and sat in the front, whipping her blue Spades old-adult horse. The  trees slowly started to speed up and pick up the pace as Roderich's house became smaller and tinier.

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