Chapter 8

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"My lord?..." Francis blinked when he realized someone was talking to him. "Hm? My apologies, what was that?" "Oh, I was asking how the meeting was." "Oh, it was the same. Boring." "I see." The conversation was brief, as Francis wasn't really listening.

'Arthur's so lonely.. Why does it happen to be that his kingdom is one of time? Where does Alfred get so many tasks, mon Dieu? He's so young too. Working too much can cause stress and make you look older. Alfred's really good looking. Thank goodness the stress hasn't caught up with him yet. But how does he always seem so carefree and energetic? Maybe I should go over and... Arthur would figure it out. Well fuck. If I came again, as I promised, we would get noticed. It would be quite obvious. All of his staff would talk and it would eventually get around to Alfred... Damn him.' 

Francis stretched and sighed, looking up at the sky, brainstorming ways to get to Arthur without Alfred finding out. 'Ooo~ A blue bird! We must be in Spades! I wonder what Arthur's doing... What's... This?' He furrowed his eyebrows. He couldn't  see anything out of the ordinary... This was an odd feeling.... "Hau, do you feel it too?" He asked his driver, who tilted his head in confusion. "Whatever do you mean, you highness?" "....Nevermind... But stop the carriage..."

The carriage stopped and he took a cautious step outside. 'Could this be what happened to Ludwig?' He hoped not. "He-hello?" He called. Hau looked at his king in concern, but stayed quiet. The feeling grew stronger, as if it were moving towards them. Francis had a tingling feeling and looked up. He gasped. A man in black was up in the sky! He squinted. So familiar... Wait... Wasn't this from that time...


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