Chapter 23

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"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL WHO SOMEHOW STOLE MY IGGY!?" Alfred screamed and slammed his hand on the table. His eyes flickered at Francis. An emergency meeting had been placed, with all four kingdoms demanding one. They all arrived at the meeting palace within an hour. "WHAT ARE YOU INTENDING, ALFRED? DO YOU THINK I STOLE HIM?!" Francis yelled back. "FUCK YES, YOU CHEATING BASTARD!" "MY OWN QUEEN HAS BEEN STOLEN. WHY THE HELL WOULD I STEAL YOUR QUEEN?!" "YOU'VE BEEN SNEAKING INTO MY GOD DAMN CASTLE AND SEEING ARTHUR!" "YES, I HAVE, BUT I HAVEN'T DONE ANY HARM!" "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN, "I HAVEN'T DONE ANY HARM"?! YOU FUCKING LEFT HIM CRYING IN THE TEA ROOM! DON'T LIE I SAW HIM!"

Francis looked shocked. "He was crying?!" "YEAH, AND IT WAS BECAUSE OF YOU, DUMB ASS!" "sHUT UP YOU TWO!" Ludwig's voice boomed over Francis's and Alfred's fighting. "ALL OF YOU REMAIN SILENT AND SIT DOWN. YOU EACH HAVE EIGHT MINUTES TO COMMENT, NO MORE THAN EIGHT, AND YOU HAVE TO RAISE YOUR HAND. IF YOU MUST YOU MAY HAVE TEN MINUTES TO SPEAK." The meeting hall became silent. "That's better. Much better." Ludwig sat down with a huff. "Yes, Ivan?" "All of our queens have gone missing. That's our problem, da?" The Russian smiled. "Yes." The three others replied in unison.

Alfred raised his hand. "Speak." "Has anyone the slightest idea of where they would disappear off to?" Nobody said anything and looked at one another. "Nobody?" Ludwig said. "Then, does anyone know anything about this strange event?" Ivan raised his hand again. "My jack told me that Elizaveta felt strange suddenly and blacked out before disappearing." Alfred's hand shot up into the air.

"Before he disappeared, Arthur said something about magic that was as strong as his, if I remember correctly, and there being two of them, whatever that means. I think he meant there are two magic users. That most likely means that witches or wizards, or both, are involved in this, and there's a good chance that they kidnapped our queens so they could exchange them for something typical like wealth," Alfred's eyes flickered to Francis again, making Francis paste a glare on his face. "Our kingdoms, alliances, power, or something else." He said, surprising everyone, as he seemed to be using his head for once.

Francis started to look uncomfortable and start shifting, causing all eyes landed on him with Alfred glaring at him with suspicion. "Er, what?" He laughed nervously, trying to shrug his odd action off. "Spill. It. Out. Cuz I will not hesitate to use force to make you do so." Alfred growled and Francis shot him a glare before sighing. 'Sorry, Gilbert.' He apologized in his head before starting to tell the kings about his magic friend. "There's a man named Gilbert in the woods somewhere, and his mansion is north of here. He knows magic, and because of... his dark past, its dark magic." "I say we go to this Gilbert's house then." Alfred said.

"What does he look like?" Ivan asked. "White hair, red eyes, black outfit." "What?" Ludwig spoke. "Gilbert has-" "That sounds exactly like the guy that attacked me." "Then it's settled. We're going to the mansion to rescue our queens and Ludwig can get revenge." Ivan cheerfully said, though the dark look on his face along with the dark aura around him caused fear to start to creep into the other kings. "Bring your jacks and we'll meet up tomorrow at noon." Ludwig announced and the meeting was dismissed. 

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