Chapter 12

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"OI! RED EYED GUY FLYING IN THE SKY!" Francis yelled at the black dressed figure. The man looked down at him. 'No doubt about it. It's him.' Francis clenched his teeth. "CAN YOU COME DOWN HERE?" He yelled. It probably wouldn't work, but it was worth a try. The man looked confused and tilted his head as if to ask 'What, me?' "YEAH, YOU!" The man looked at him funny and started to fly away. "Merde! Hau hurry up and follow that black think in the sky as fast as you can!" He ordered quickly as he jumped into the yellow carriage. The man in black didn't seem to notice them following. '... He seems to be deep in thought...' "Hau, try not to make as much noise. Slow down if you need to." "Yes, sir."

Thirty minutes passed. By now, it was dark, and it was incredibly difficult to see the man in black. The only thing keeping them around him was his aura. They were in the north part of the Spades and Diamond boundary. Francis observed his surroundings which was nothing really except grass. 'Wow, this place is so empty...' The place had an odd feeling about it... It was really creepy... Francis shivered. 'Its just me being paranoid.' He looked up and stared into the black sky. "Joan..."

He heard a soft rustle and snapped his head in the direction of the sound. "Hau," Francis whispered. "Stop, hide the carriage and yourself, and don't make a sound." He quietly crept out of the carriage and hid behind a tree, peering at the man. The man in black stood in front of an old rusty bronze gate. "Öffnen, öffnen. Lassen Sie mich in." He chanted. 'Sounds like he's reciting a spell.' He suddenly became curious. His curiosity immediately turned into anger. 'So that's how he did it.'

Francis's knuckles crashed into the bony cheek of the man. "What?!" They both asked in surprise. Francis didn't even remember walking up to him, let alone raising his fist. The man took a clumsy step back, resulting in another step to keep himself from falling. He winced a bit as his hand shot up to his cheek. "Ow! I keep getting beat up today!" He pulled his hand away at the word I, checking to see if there was any blood. Francis then realized there were already bandages wrapped around the man's head. He looked up at Francis angrily.

"What the hell was that for?! Where the fuck did you even come from?!" Francis was taken aback at first and opened his mouth to apologize when he remembered. "Why are you alive?!" 'Merde. That was a bad starter.' A mix between fear and sadness sparked in the red eyes of the man. "Wh...." He looked at him, the fear apparently had taken over the sorrow. "Your not here to take me back are you?" "What? Of course-" "I'm not a demon! I'm not a child of Satan!!" "Hey-" Francis held out a hand to touch him to calm him down, but the man backed up. "Go away!" The man seemed to be unable to hear him anymore. "It's not my fault. I can't help it. I was born like this. Leave me alone!" He covered his ears and crouched down.

"I'm not taking you anywhere!" Francis attempted to explain, but the man didn't respond. Tears fell to the ground and he started breathing heavily. Francis suddenly knew what was happening. He hesitated, not knowing if he should comfort him, before he wrapped his arms around him. Moments passed before France started singing the first song that came to his mind to the now shaking albino.

" Je t'aime, je t'aime toujours

I am forever yours

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams mon cher

You're always in my prayers

Softly, sweetly

Wrapped up in heaven's arms

Sailing, soaring

Over the moon

Gathering star dust

Be still, be safe, be sure

Je t'aime, je t'aime toujours

Wishing, praying

All of your dreams come true

Please remember

Where'er you are

My heart is with you

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams mon cher

Always in my prayer

I am forever yours

Je t'aime, je t'aime toujours."

When he stopped singing, he realized the man had stopped shaking, and he could no longer hear his sniffs. A long moment of silence passed between them before the man quietly asked, "Where did you learn that?" "My... Friend, Joan." The man looked up at him.


The song is called Je T'aime by Kelly Sweet (which I find ironic). LOL NO THIS WASN'T A FRANCEXPRUSSIA CHAPTER. It's really just a friend comforting a friend.

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