Chapter 10

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The half moon colored the sky a dark navy blue. It barely showed the girl creeping down the streets. The shadows were feeling friendly tonight, offering her the security of being concealed.

"Oh, he's in the old brown shed down the street. Gonna be burned at the stake tomorrow. Serves him right, the wretched child. Don't go near him though. He'll drag you down to the depths of hell." The lady had told her.

A small shed came into view. The door was heavy with locks covering every crack. She used her hairpin to unlock them all and crept in. Sure enough, the boy was there, tied and gagged. He looked like he'd given up. His red eyes looked at her dully. "Hello. I'm Joan." She smiled as she set down her bag to untie the white strip of cloth around his mouth.

"...thanks..." "Your welcome. So..." She leaned back next to him. "What's your name?" "...what have you come to do? I'm not a demon. Nor am I a child of the devil. I can't give you what you want." Joan sighed. "Oh, rats. I was thinking if you actually were a child of him I could ask you all sorts of questions, as I can hear God." The boy looked at her. "Don't make jokes like that." "But I'm not! He told me to save someone. I'm searching for him now. I've packed my things up to go search for him." "I would give anything to save damsel in distress instead of being in this hell hole."

An ant crawled on the wood boards in front of them. Another one followed it. The other turned around. "Hey..." Joan looked down. "I'll trade places with you..." The albinos head snapped in her direction. "Don't say that. Don't you dare say that. I don't want anyone to suffer what I'm going through. Besides, its not possible to trade our roles." "But you can do magic! I saw it! That small flame on the ground, it was your doing. I bet you can make me look just like you." "No." Joan huffed and pinched his cheeks.


"I'm taking your place, no matter what. I... I think its you. You look exactly like the person who needed saving in my dream."

"... I can't put someone innocent in my place."

"Then ill force you."

"And how to you think your going to do that?"


She looked through her bag. "I'll give you an apple, a sandwich, and..." She brought out a yellow object. "A bird." "What?! Why would you put a bird in a sac? How is it still alive?!" She giggled. "He's a really loyal and tough bird." The albino just looked at her shocked and shook his head.

"N-" He froze. A silver blade was a mere hair away from his head. "Stop." Joan growled. There was do much control and anger in her voice that he was afraid to breathe, as if such a small action would set her off. "I am taking your place whether you like it or not. I will not hesitate to hurt you if you don't do as I say." He nodded slowly. Joan grinned. "Good!" She picked up her bag, leaving the apple, sandwich, and bird on the ground. "Oh, and before I leave, what's your name?" "...Gilbert." Joan smiled.

"Good bye, Gilbert."

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