Chapter 18

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"Big brother, this is a good spot for a picnic." A cute blonde girl said in a high voice that matched her appearance. She stopped her walk to look at the boy walking with her. "M. Yeah. I think so too." The older blonde boy agreed. He took out the yellow and white checkered blanket dotted with orange bunnies and unfolded it before laying it out on the yellow grass that was shadowed by the large tree next to it. 

The girl started to help spread out and flatten the blanket but stopped briefly when the boy said, "Lily, you don't have to help. Queens don't work and get dirty. That's the servants' and soldiers' job." He explained. "But I want to help, Big brother."  Lily insisted and continued to assist the boy in setting up the picnic. He looked at her and nodded. "If that's what you want."

Lily sat on her knees and selected- out the sandwiches, golden delicious apples, oranges, cake, and canteen of tea- the box of sandwiches and canteen, laying them out between her big brother and herself. She lifted the sandwich to her mouth and took a bite, as did her older brother. She chewed and watched him taste the food, waiting to see any feedback.

"I think.." Lily listened intently. ".. It tastes like a sandwich." "..I'm glad." She smiled and continued to chew on her sandwich. The two gazed up at the sky. "Oh look! That cloud looks like one of the bunnies on our blanket." Lily awed. The boy's eyes searched for the cloud. "Oh. That's cute." He mused before returning to the place in the sky he was staring at before.

A rectangular cloud started to enter the boy's vision from the corner of his eye. He squinted. 'That looks like...' The cloud started to turn a light shade of green, becoming a hue darker each second. Suddenly, his sense of him forgetting something was vanquished as he realized what was missing.

"Oh! Vash, your so stupid. How could you forget?" He face palmed. Lily's head turned to face his direction. "What is is, Big Brother?" "Francis forgot to give me my pay last week." Vash grumbled, placing his head on his hand that was propped up against his knee. Lily smiled softly. "Even if you don't get your pay, you should be grateful to Mr. Bonnefoy for picking us up from the wet streets and saving us from death."

"I could've taken care of you just fine. And I'm not going to stay here forever, Lily. I won't live as a slave for the rest of my life. As soon as I have enough money, I'm leaving this place. You should come. I don't trust that frog being alone with you." Vash took his last bite of his sandwich. Lily stayed silent and looked back up into the light blue sky. Vash knew she was thinking things through and started to drink the tea. 

"PFFFFT!" Vash spat the tea out onto the grass. Lily looked at him. "Big Brother?" "This isn't tea!" He coughed and wiped his mouth on his sleeve, forgetting that red wine stained clothing. "Damn aristocrat. Do we have anything other than wine in our drinks?" Lily watched him flail around trying to clean up the wine and smiled. 'Big Brother is so wonderful.' She thought before she felt a crushing pressure on her. "Lily?" Vash, who seemed absolutely unaffected, stopped what he was doing and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Lily!" She heard him scream again before she blacked out.

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