Chapter 16

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Why is it that one chapter has less reads than the next chapter? Do people like skip chapters? This mah be confusing cuz I accidentally settled this on a beach when it was supposed to be in the woods but I made changes, just there may be bits. If u see one, tell me. I will gladly fix it :3. There is a character from an rpg game, but his ways are slightly edited. Btw I just started watching Mekakucity Actors. *cough mostly because of the usuk cover of Heat Haze/Kagerou Days/Daze cough* ish gud. I like the alfredy guy and the quiet guy *doesn't pay much attention to names* *switches episodes (no I'm seriously taking like hours typing this)* *episode 4* AW SHIT NO NOT HEAT HAZE FAQQQQQQ *SHIVERS FROM FEELS BECAUSE IS REMEMBERING THE USUK COVER OF KAGEROU DAYS/DAZE/HEAT HAZEAw fuck... kid...*still doesn't know name* aw fuck no. Omg that quiet guy reminds me of this character from this korean manga called president dad (I think its korean) omg hes so hot. OK I'LL SHUT UP THIS ISN'T INSTAGRAM HETA. Oh. The quietish guy is Seto. #episode5 omg they have fanart in the episodes. THAT SO AWESOME.


"Ah, so boring..." Roderich sighed. His grandma was a widow, and there was nothing in her hut besides the basic necesseties of life and the normal house appliences and funiture. Not even a simple intrument such as a harmonica was under the plain creamy blue roof. The home was small, too- a big change from his half mansion. He rolled around the bed of the room he had been occupying for the past month since the disappearence of his parents. "Mommy.. Daddy.."

"Roood!" The old yet strong voice of Roderich's grandma rang through the hut, as it wasn't that big. Roderich's head popped up from the fuzzy blanket. "Yeeeeess?" He yelled back. The door of the room opened. Grandma poked her head inside. "Do you like the idea of heading out to the woods for a walk?" Roderich gasped. "Do I!" He jumped from the bed. "Okay, Rod. We'll leave in 5 minutes, so hurry and get ready."

Roderich smiled back to his smiling grandma and as she closed the door he threw some suitable cloths on. Roderich and Grandma left the building and drove away in Grandma's wagon. "I know a very pretty forest that I walk in from time to time." "Ah." Roderich responded. Various hues of blue passed by Roderich's eyes. Then, the light blue hue of the Spade trees was in front of him. "How pretty.." "I agree." The wagon ceased motion and the two climbed out. They strolled along the sticks and stones and dirt that were made into a path by the many walkers and nature hikers over the years. Roderich gazed up where the setting sun was shining through the tree leaves. There was a nice little river filled with fish. Fish jumped out of the river and he smiled and looked ahead. 

"Huh? Grandma, look." He pointed to a white and red object in the distance. Even at his distance, he recognize the intrument. He'd recognize it anywhere. "Why is there a piano in the woods?" "Pardon? A piano, you say?" The elderly lady looked ahead. "Dear lord! Who would.." The two ran to the large intrument. As they got close, the image became clearer. They were meters away from the intrument before stopping.

"B-blood?!" Roderich gasped. So did his grandma. "Stay here, Rod." Grandma ordered. Roderich nodded and obediantly stopped and planted his feet where they were. "Wha.. Wha... nOOOOO!!" Grandma screamed. Roderich jumped as the scream sharpened his senses. When he was finally aware of the situation, Roderich's body froze and his eyes widened in a mix of fear, surprise, and sadness. He realized that there were two bodies whose blood stained the white intrument. "M... Da.." He couldn't speak. His words were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't spit them out.

His mom was inside of the grand piano, under the lid and on top of the strings inside. Her once long and elegant dark hair was nowhere to be seen along with her scalp where only red was visable. His father's head was bashed into the piano keys. Beside his feet was a broken bloody violin. His fingers were also jammed into the keys, but they seemed to have been smashed by the piano lid being repeatedly slammed onto them. Body parts from both bodies were missing. Both left eyes of the couple were missing. They stared into Roderich with empty, dead looks.

Roderich felt sick. He wanted to vomit and cry. "Gr-" His words were cut off by the sound of insane laughter followed by a chainsaw. "hElLo, MiSs~" A tall brown haired man in a bloody white lab coat with glasses  carried a chainsaw and Roderich couldn't even blink before the man was in front of his screaming grandmother. "AHHHHH!!!" She screamed, then stopped. She started breathing heavily. 'Heart attack!' Roderich started to cry, knowing that there was no chance of his grandmother's survival. "mY, wHaT nIcE hAnDs YoU hAvE..."

Blood splattered the scene in seconds. The murderer seemed to be having fun dissecting Roderich's grandma. "Grandma!" Roderich's hands clamped over his mouth. The man's eyes shot towards him. 'Imbecile! Fool! Run!' "hElLo~" The man started towards him and Roderich ran. Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's wagon he ran. Miraculously, he was faster than the man. He was nowhere in sight. But fear kept Roderich running. He didn't stop. His parents were dead. His grandmother was dead. He had no other living relatives. He had nowhere to go. He just ran and ran and ran.

Roderich's surroundings turned green as he crossed the kingdom boundary. A villa came into his view. He ran into the door on accident, then mentally slapped himself for being so stupid. He wanted to run, but he was tired and it was dark, not to mention that it would've been rude to knock and leave. He waited. The door opened and a pretty brunette girl around Roderich's age in a green night gown appeared. "Wh- MOM! DAD!" Two adults came rushing to the door. The man had a weapon, but put it down when he saw Roderich. The female gasped. "Oh goodness!" "Your covered in blood from head to toe!"

Roderich was pulled and pushed in different directions as the family helped him and his cloths. "We can't even tell what kingdom your from with this much blood!" When things settled down, the family tried to ask Roderich questions, but he was still too traumatized to speak. "Mother, we should let him rest before we force him to speak." The female adult nodded and the girl led him to a hall to a room located to the left of the very last room that was in the middle of the very end of the hall. Roderich walked into the room. "Goodnight. Sleep well." The girl smiled and closed the door.

The next morning, Roderich felt better, but not much, and was fed breakfast, which consisted of a muffin, a sandwich, and milk. After, be was questioned, but not too harsh. "You may stay with us for as long as you want, Roderich." "Thank you so much!" He was dismissed and went to the gardens. The sight if the well kept flowers and plants made him smile. "Hello!" Roderich spun around. "Ah.. hello." He replied to the girl. "So... You've been through a bunch in the past month, huh." "..Yes." She smiled. "Don't be sad. You may have lost a lot, but you can gain a lot too!" Roderich looked at her funny. "My name's Elizaveta." She smiled. "Let's be friends!"

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