Author's Request

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Hi everyone that still has this fanfic in their libraries from like 2012 or recently started reading it :3 As you can read, I am the author of this fanfic. Man, this thing is marked as completed but it's really not. I feel kinda thread-y with leaving the end so badly given. There are just bits of it written out in the comment section(s) haha (actually, if you hadn't noticed, I've given a handful of information on the story in the comment sections and not in the text (mostly since I didn't know where to insert it/was too uncaring to). Some of it ties together a lot of these stories.).

So I had the idea that if anyone was willing enough, they could write out the end in words that I could post here and of course credit you for it. Just so that the story will feel more full and not just kinda slapped on (which, it honestly was). The end would take some chapters to evenly pace things, but if I find any errors, I'll fix them. I think the information on the end should all be in the comment sections or in some sort of a/n or some of the last chapters. If you're thinking of or want to write the last chapters, please tell me, cuz I kinda wanna briefly discuss it with you/talk with you.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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