Chapter 19

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Alfred walked through the halls of his castle, searching for Arthur. "Arthur!" He called every now and then. "Hm. I wonder where he could be." His footsteps echoed through the hall. Arthur would be able to tell that it was his footsteps. Unlike the other men, who were mostly soldiers, his footsteps weren't followed by a clanking metal sound. And in contrast to the women's light walk, his footsteps were louder and heavier.

After several minutes, Alfred wondered why Arthur hadn't shown up. Normally, his queen would come running to him as soon as he opened the doors. "Where is he?" He started his way towards the back of the castle where the tea room and garden was. He smiled at the childish possibility that his tsundere lover might be playing in the blue rose garden (*cough Garry the bae from Ib cough*) that Alfred had given him as a wedding gift. Just as Alfred turned at a corner of the hall, something bumped into him.

"Oof!" He fell on his rear and rubbed his head. He opened mouth to speak and his eyes to look at the person that bumped him, but saw nothing. "H-huh? Who was that?" He asked, jumping about 10 feet into the air when a breeze that somehow seemed apologetic flew by him. (*does Sponge bob imagination hands*) "Th-that just came from outside. The door is close. It came from outside." Alfred got up and continued his walk.

"Arthur!" He called. He looked at the tea room and noticed that the door was wide open. "Oh! Maybe he's in there!" Alfred walked into the room, oblivious of the negative aura in the air. "Ig.." His voice faltered halfway through his nickname for Arthur. Alfred walked over to the tea table and sat down in the chair opposite of him. Arthur had his forehead in his hands that formed a net of fingers to support the weight.

Alfred looked under at Arthur's face to see a blank expression. "Hey, dude. What's wrong?" No response. "Iggy?" "It's nothing. I'm just thinking." Alfred tilted his head. "Huh? About what?" He wondered. "Nothing of your concern. Go away." Arthur ordered. Alfred furrowed his eyebrows. "No." "Alfred, leave." Arthur once again demanded. "Not unless you tell me." Alfred pushed.  "It's none of your damn business, Alfred!" Yelled Arthur. Both were starting to get irritated. 

Alfred stood up and slammed his hands onto the table. "Everything's my damn business, Arthur! I'm the fucking king of Spades!" Arthur slightly jumped when Alfred slammed his hands onto the small table. Alfred could be really scary when he wanted to be. Arthur stood up too. "I have my personal affairs. You don't control my bloody life!" "Your my wife! Of course I'm the dominant other in this relationship! As your husband I deserve to know your problems so I can help you solve them!"

"I don't fucking need help! Especially not from you, idiot!" Arthur spat before running out of the room. "Arthur!" Alfred ran after him and almost exited the door with Arthur when he stopped. He noticed a smell that he had not noticed before. "This smell..." Alfred inhaled the scent, trying to recall where he'd been in contact with it before. Only then did he notice the two plates of edible scones and two teacups on the table. Arthur had had a guest over. "Roses... a guest... and an irritable Arthur..." Alfred suddenly remembered a certain someone's sudden outburst of anger back at the meeting and gasped as he realized who it was. "How?! That bastard! Arthur, wait!" Alfred called after Arthur and ran after him.

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