Chapter 9

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Italisized things are flashbacks.Unless I'm forgetting something. OH WELL *GOES BACK TO DIGGING UP SNAILS* *CACKLES*

Oh and sorry for such short chapters. I need to learn how to stretch these things. But I like to make things short and not take up so much time like those unnecessarily long shows. Ugh. There r like thousands more things I could be watching and doing. The chapters might also be short because I'm using a smartphone and my chapters seem like different sizes on these like they seem longer so yeah. Gosh I talk too much.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Joan!" A tween blonde boy called as he ran to the small cottage on the countryside of Domremy. A younger 13 year old girl looked up at him from her chores. "Francis! What are you doing here?" "I heard you had another dream from God! That's amazing!" The girl giggled. "Yes. I have been blessed by the lord greatly. I'm so happy!"


"Stop chasing me! Please!" An albino tween cried as he ran from the towns people.


"You child of Satan!"

"You've come to kill us all!"

"No! I'm not! I-" The albino boy ran into a blonde girl. They both fell down with an "Ow! I'm sorry!" They were about to help each other up when the albino boy was grabbed by the huge mob. "No! LET GO OF ME!" A white flicker appeared on the ground, then turned into a small flame. "He has magic! We must all hurry to destroy him before he causes anymore damage!" A voice in the crowd yelled. The crowd agreed loudly as they dragged the boy away, now gagged and tied, sobbing and struggling.

The blonde girl was still on the ground. A women came and helped her up. She was so absorbed in the memory of what had just happened to notice the lady was telling her to go home and stay away from the boy. She just stared in the direction the boy was carried in.

"Child of Satan..."

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