Chapter 14

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"Hm hm hm~" Roderich sang. Oh, how he loved this piece. It was so beautiful and emotional. This was definitely going to be played at his wedding if he ever had one. Of course he'd have the traditional songs like wedding march. 'I could-' He attempted to quickly stomp on the thought before it could have the pleasure of surfacing his mind, but sadly Roderich wasn't fast enough. '-compose.' He started bickering with himself. No, he couldn't compose. Idiot. How would he compose? He sighed. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He was never going to get over it, was he?

"Hm hm hm~"  The sweet sound of a feminine voice joined his without him noticing. "I really like that song!" Roderich jumped with a yip, just realizing that Elizaveta was right next to him. "Hello your majesty." The corners of his mouth naturally turned around just as they always did whenever she was around. "What are you up to?" "Oh, nothing. Ivan's home so I can't go to the river. It's so calming and pretty." Elizaveta sighed. They continued to walk in the gardens.

"You know, the water tastes really good." "Wh-What?! You tasted the river water?! What were you- My apologies for my outburst, your majesty." Roderich bowed, followed immediately by Elizaveta saying, "No it's ok. I shouldn't be drinking river water." She looked as if she were holding back a small giggle. Roderich stood back up straightly and sighed. "It tasted funny though. Do you think it had anything to do with that guy?" Elizaveta asked. "We should take you to the docter then." He prayed that she wasn't poisoned. That would be bad. No duh. If it killed her, it would cause grief but maybe a riot in the kingdom. The citizens were already a bit scared and suspicious of Ivan. They might suspect murder. (*cough blood of the rose hetagame reference cough*) 

"Ah, maybe." The echoes of their feet bounced around the empty music room as the two entered. "Oh! I haven't been here in a while." Elizaveta walked to the piano and pressed a key. "I haven't really ever played an instrument. It looks so complicated at times, like what the musicians play at the balls and parties." Roderich stayed silent. His hand was trembling slightly. "There was that really cool song at me and Ivan's wedding. It sounded like it was made by Kiku.. I think it was." She played around, trying to figure out the notes. "G...A B C D... E# no.. G... F D.." (The song's Bad Apple) "Roderich why don't you tr... Roderich?" The door was wide open with no sign of Roderich. "Was it something I said?"


"Huff.. Huff.." Roderich hadn't gotten very far and was already out of breath. He wasn't a very fast runner. "Roderich?" But Elizaveta was. "Hah.. Yes? What is it?" He didn't need to ask. He knew what she was going to ask, but he asked anyway. "Are you ok? Er.." She tucked some hair behind her ear. Roderich unintentionally smiled but quickly wiped it off. Hungary didn't notice. "Did I say something wrong?" "Huh? Of course not." "Oh. That's good. I thought I somehow made you flee the room without noticing. Why'd you run from the room? The instruments aren't gonna harm you." (But you can, Hungary)

"I... Just feel uncomfortable around instruments." "Eh?" "It's a long, uninteresting story." "I'm interested." Elizaveta stood next to him and pulled his arm to the sofa nearest to them, Austria protesting, but being a lot weaker than Hungary, he couldn't really do anything. She plopped them down and stared at him. Roderich sighed.

"Story time."

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