Chapter 7

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"Artieeeee! I'm hooooome!" Alfred's voice echoed through the castle along with the sound of huge doors opening. At first there was silence. Then, light, quick footsteps were heard. "Welcome home, Alfred!" Arthur ran up to Alfred and hugged him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Alfred smiled and asked,"How's your day been?" "Wonderful!" "Wow, aren't you chippery today!" Arthur smiled. "Yes, I met someone today. We had a nice chat."

Alfred raised an eyebrow. "People aren't allowed on the castle grounds." "Oh, well this one accidentally stumbled into here. Don't worry, he didn't hurt me." Alfred bit his tongue and furrowed his eyebrows.'"He"?' "Well I'm glad your day was good." Arthur frowned, oblivious to the fact that he'd just revealed he'd been talking to another male.

"What?" Arthur asked. "Hm? Nothing. Why?" Alfred tilted his head in false confusion. "You suddenly don't seem happy." Alfred smiled. "No, I'm fine. Let's go eat dinner." He took Arthur's hand and pulled it towards the dining room. "And how was your day, love?" Arthur asked.


"The usual?"


"Anything out of the ordinary?"


Alfred bit his tongue, remembering the blonde haired boy and Ludwig saying something strange had happened to him. Arthur noticed the hesitation. "Really?" He frowned. "Yep." Arthur sighed. "Honestly, if there's something bothering you, I'm here. I'm your wife, remember?" "Arthur.." Alfred looked down at him. "Er, yes?" Alfred smiled. "I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about." He kissed Arthur's forehead. "M... If you say so..."

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