part 18/ souvenirs, freaks & good lucks

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Heyyyy guys, hope you missed me as much as I missed you <333333

Holiday in Barcelona was a BLAST, i wanna go back and move there and live there for the rest of my life.

You've all probably suffered from chapter withdrawals but that's ok coz i'm here with new chapters 😁😁

enjoy, loves <3333

(and before you read:

TW: mentions and descriptions of sex

proceed with caution 😌😏)

Adella's POV:


As Mister Xavi promised, the guys' training started at 9am. I heard a few very loud grumblings from the hallway as they all scrambled downstairs and to the training fields.

10 minutes later, someone knocked loudly on my door. "Piss off, I'm sleeping," I shouted grumpily, covering my head with my duvet. I could bet you 100€ that it was Lamine. The knocking insisted. I ignored it. A few seconds of silence... before a deafening banging started.  I got up, swinging the door open, "I. Am. Sleepin- Oh-" I got engulfed into a bear hug by Lucia and Dayana.

"Good morning, you absolute ray of sunshine," Dayana teased, making her way inside my room.

"Rise and shineeee," Lucia mimicked that one time that Kylie Jenner went viral.

"You know I don't do mornings very well," I rubbed at my eyes, "But welcome to Italy!" I threw my arms around them again and we spun around in a crazy little circle, giddy and giggling.

"Are we going out? Or... are we going out?" Lucia asked.

"We are... going out!" confirmed Dayana. We were ready and out of the door within half an hour. This time I could enjoy the city with my girls and without having to worry how many calories I burnt on those bikes. (Xavi recorded everyone's speeds, calories, inclines etc at the end in his little training notepad.)

We did your usual touristy things: purchasing overpriced coffees, paying for photo booths on every street corner and stopping to enjoy the music played in the streets. We stopped for the worlds most adorable brunch, and chatted about Lucia and Dayana's car journey which lasted a total of 16 hours.

After getting drenched with the Italian sun for the whole day, we headed back to our hotel, with bags full of new clothes purchased, souvenirs for friends and family secured, and faces tired but happy after a good day.

Lucia was already falling asleep whilst walking down the corridor to her and Dayana's room that they were sharing, a floor below mine. I wished them a good night and headed upstairs.

It wasn't that late, realistically, the night was still relatively young. So, I hopped in the shower, put on some new clothes that I had purchased earlier, grabbed one of my cute bags that had a souvenir in, and walked out of my room.

My hand reached up to knock on the door next to mine.

"Hey, beautiful," the door opened and Hector was staring down at me with the biggest smile on his god handsome face.

"Hey," I said and he motioned me inside, shutting his door.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" he asked.

I couldn't have come at a better moment. Hector had clearly just gotten out of the shower and had hurriedly put on a pair of grey joggers. Take note of the full stop. Because that's where the list ends. Because he wasn't wearing anything else. Him shirtless would some day be the death of me.

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