part 3/ permanant confusion

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When Hector left the bathroom, I was still left reeling from our little moment together. The man was a definition of hot and cold. Because how can someone go from barely uttering a single word to you all year, to planting delicate kisses on your neck? What was wrong with this guy?

But most importantly what was wrong with me? Whatever cravings from my side that were felt in that bathroom had to be suppressed. I didn't like him. In fact, I hated him for his behaviour and immaturity. There was only one explanation for my weird feelings last night and that was that I was just a girl: or just one horny bitch.

I was caught lacking. And that most definitely would not happen again, in a million years.

Not like Hector was on my mind, but just in case, just to get my mind off of this weird feeling-evoking situation, I decided it's definitely time to go out.

I loved a little party.

I called up my two best friends; we've been friends since the womb, as all of our mothers had gone to school together and were also best friends. We were always together: Adella, Dayana and Lucia.

They really didn't need much convincing. Promptly arriving at my house within the hour, already dressed to the heavens, they entered. Dayana wearing a gorgeous black dress and Lucia a dark blue one.

"Pre shots!" exclaimed Dayana rushing into my kitchen and going into the alcohol cupboard.

"How can I say no?" I smiled.

"You can't, we all know," Lucia winked at me mischievously as she got the shot glasses ready.

We did two quick rounds just to loosen up ever so slightly, then called the cab to take us into the bustling centre of the city night life of Barcelona.


As I mentioned before, the things that a good party good do to a person. Honestly, a good time with friends is a h-e-a-l-i-n-g experience. Our trio found a table to sit at, close to the bar for obvious reasons.

I decided on a black long strapless dress; simple yet effective. Paired with some black high heels. Confidence flew through me like a stream.


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cubarsi.della pure vibes tonight 🖤

luciasanchezxx our pretty gal 😍
lamineyamal y u got spaghetti for hair? 🤨
————> marcguiu9 lamine stfu, ur not even old enough to have instagram
dayana_rodriguez_ built like a model 😮‍💨😮‍💨
————> lamineyamal isn't she like a model already ? 🤔

We settled at our table and I offered to go grab us our first drinks. "3 sex on the beaches please," I smiled over at the bartender, who quickly got to work. He wasn't too sore on the eyes either. His dark hair settled nicely and his figure at work moved skilfully and full of practice. Within a minute or two he handed me the drinks along with a tiny folded up piece of paper. He smirked as he turned away to serve another customer. Tucking the paper into my bra, because I had no other storage, I walked back to the table.

"What's the reason behind this overly large smile of yours on your face then, Della?" Dayana nudged me as I slipped in beside her. "A number may have slipped my way," I replied. For some reason all three of us found this extremely funny and burst out laughing.

We talked, laughed, drank. Occasionally drinks from the bar that we didn't order would arrive at our table. Either from the guy that gave me his number and saying it's on the house or it'd be a group of guys trying to get our attention.

When I have this much alcohol running through my veins there's only one thing screaming at me. Actually two. One thing is my brain screaming to go onto the dance floor and dance with as many hot strangers as is possible. The second thing screaming at me was Dayana. Yelling at me to get onto that dance floor, onto which she already disappeared with Lucia as she dragged her behind.

Stumbling slightly through the crowd, I made it to the centre of the sweaty bodies and loud music. I started to jump to the rhyme, loosing my balance on occasion but it was quickly regained. A hand placed itself assertively on my hip, in an attempt to steady me. I couldn't have minded less. Dancing with strangers is what I live for.

Except the man in front of me was no stranger. He was a very good looking, no scratch that, that's just drunk thoughts, a very irritating man. A very irritating man with his palm on my hip.

The alcohol in me was dissipating whatever hatred I had because I allowed the hand to stay in its place on the curve of my hip. Whatever stupid games he was playing earlier that morning, I decided that two can play at that game.

So I allowed the hand to stay. And i pretended not to care when Hector's second hand made its way to my other side and gripped tightly. When in reality, a swarm of butterflies invaded my tummy. I was actually hopeless under the touch of this man. But he couldn't know.

Therefore my expression remained stoic and unbothered, as I danced closer and closer to him.

"Are you done touching, Hector?" I asked, mocking his words from the earlier bathroom incident.

His eyes almost sent me a glare, "No."

Oh? Fine. Neither was I then. But what on earth was I doing? This could only lead to trouble. I didn't like him. I didn't like him. I didn't like him. But like... Nope.

The distance between us that was decreasing and decreasing, I could blame on the crowds, when in reality I was doing everything to get just a little closer and closer to him.

His hands on my hips, we danced. I put my hands on his chest and the feel of it, so well built under my palms, sent another frenzy through my body. He was looking down at me with dark eyes, full of some emotion I couldn't quite place. I was sure my eyes betrayed me. Because even i could admit that although the guy in front of me was an absolute idiot, he was goddamn hot.

Holding onto the back of his neck, I gently, slowly ran my fingers over the skin there. I looked up at him innocently from under my lashes. Because that mf was tall. As if in automatic response, his hand left my hip and trailed with his fingertips up my spine. A scorching flame being left in the place where his fingers touched me.

When unexpectedly his hand ended up on the back of my neck, he grabbed it, pulling me closer to him assertively so that he could say in my ear, "Don't start something you cannot finish, Adella."

I got up close to his ear, staying a second longer than needed in such close proximity and answered back, "Darling, I did not start this. You did. This morning."

He didn't answer; instead he spun me around so that my back was now flush with his front. That's how we continued to dance. Me, obliviously and innocently, occasionally nudging my ass in a certain area, in which case his grip would tighten on my hip as if in a sort of warning.

"Don't, Ads," he said.

"Or what?" the challenge left my lips.

"Excuse me," he said and his touch left me so quickly if felt as if I got the air suddenly knocked out of my lungs. All I saw was his back tracing back towards the bar.

Leaving me alone on the dance floor.


authors note:

hey guys!
this one's a bit longer, hope you enjoyed it

let me know how you're finding the story, any comments & suggestions are appreciated

lots of love, A

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