part 17/ naples, italia

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Adella's POV:

If you were wondering, where along the way we lost Lucia and Dayana, here's your answer. They thought it was the perfect opportunity for their long awaited and always put off road trip they've been meaning to do for several years. So, in Lucia's car they hopped, the aux got connected to Dayana and off they went. They should be arriving in a couple of hours.

Meanwhile, I walked along the corridor of the stunning hotel, in search of the number to my room.

I barely had time to react to the deafening noise behind me. I turned around to see a stampede heading towards me: the Barca guys running, pushing, shoving, sprinting down the corridor like actual children (some of them literally were children tho). I felt bad for the people on the lower floor. They all ran into their rooms at full speeds, picking and choosing their new roomies for the next few days.

Nearly everyone had disappeared into their rooms by then and I was just about to enter mine, hand halfway to the handle.

I looked to the side, noticing a movement out of the corner of my eye. Next door to mine, entering his room, was Hector. He was already looking at me.

"You and me in Italy, huh? Who would have thought," he said, and he walked inside his room.


The next morning, after getting ready and having breakfast with the team, Xavi had announced that we have a group activity planned. Mister Xavi called it "bonding" before the big game.

Everyone gathered outside the hotel at 10 am sharp, standing and wondering what on earth was going on. Then Xavi announced the news: "Team, hope you all slept well! Today, we combine business and pleasure. Everyone hop on a bike," he motioned to the hundreds of bikes lined up on bike racks on the edge of the pavement, "because we are going on a team bike trip around Naples! Great way to get your cardio in and explore the city at the same time!"

"I'd rather get my cardio in another way," I heard Hector mutter under his breath, who was stood right behind me, at the very back of the group so no one heard him.

I turned around to give him a quick glance. He smiled, raised an eyebrow almost as an invitation. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

Once everyone had secured their helmets on, bless Lamine for not being able to get his on for a solid 5 minutes and ended up with Xavi helping him, we were off.

Cycling through the streets of Naples: definitely something that I could tick off my bucket list. The beautiful architecture, rich culture and amazing smells from every restaurant that satisfied their customers with delicious pizza; the city had thoroughly entranced me. The occasional glimpse at Hector also didn't hurt.

We rode past many amazing buildings, but this one restaurant in particular had caught my eye. If I had the chance to come back to this part of the city, I'd definitely go there. It had the most authentic and unique Italian vibe about it.

We stopped and Xavi announced the course of action. "Team! Take a few hours to enjoy this city. Training tomorrow at 9am. Match on Tuesday at 8pm. I'll see you then," he said.

Gavi, Pedri, Lamine, Marc, Fermin, Hector, Pau and I, all naturally grouped together to go and see the rest of the city. Our laughter mingled with the Italian laughs that flowed through the narrow streets.

We ate gelato.

And life was perfect.


Guys here's chapter to read whilst im on holiday. Where you may ask? Barcelona BABYYYY 💃🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸

hope you enjoy,

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