Chapter 7- Husband To Be

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" Isn't it nice to meet the love of your life here?" I heard Rodrigo teasingly ask as I came out of my thoughts.

" You wish," Rodrigo had always mocked me about having hidden feelings for this freak but he was so wrong.

I could feel eyes on me and I knew just who they belonged to but I didn't give two shits about it, he could stare at me all he wanted.

" Mr. Ferdinand, so nice to see you here," I guess one of Rodrigo's business associates said as he shook hands with Rodrigo, and then turned to me.

" And who is this lovely lady with you?" I smiled at him as I took his hand that was stretched towards me for a handshake.

" This is my best friend, Lilian Vincent," Rodrigo said as the man raised his brows at Rodrigo seeming not to believe him.

" Well, this is something different from the usual types you bring here,"

" I agree with you on that," Rodrigo said as they got to talking about whatever it was businessmen talked about while I just sipped on my wine.

One thing I was proud of about my best friend was that he was hard-working, although he came from a wealthy family, his business growth was through his hard work but many people have the idea that everything he has was handed down, they also had that same idea for me, not like I cared.

" I'll be right back," I whispered to Rodrigo as I left him to go look for the restroom.

" Excuse me please…" I said to one of the waitresses carrying a tray of drinks as she stopped and turned to me careful not to turn the drinks she was carrying.

" Yes ma'am, how may I help you?" She asked me with a polite smile.

" Please where's the closest restroom here, this seems like a very big place,"

" Oh, ma'am you'll just have to go upstairs and then turn to your left, you'll see the restroom, it isn't hard to locate,"

" Okay thanks dear," she returned to what she was doing while I made my way upstairs like she had instructed.

As I made the left turn and started heading to where she told me the restroom was located, I felt my phone vibrating like I just got a message or a call was coming through so I opened my clutch purse to bring out the phone.

I suddenly bumped into someone, or maybe a wall because that body felt big and nice and I knew it wasn't the body of a woman, I was sure it wasn't a wall because I didn't feel any pain.

" So sorry my bad," I immediately apologized, my eyes not yet on the face of the stranger I bumped into, I was so focused on getting my phone out of my purse without looking in front of me. He was tall, my face was to his chest.

" You've always had a bad habit of bumping into people it's nothing new," I immediately withdrew myself from how close we were as I glared at him. Whenever we were alone it meant one of us was looking for a way to kill the other.

" Are you that desperate to be noticed that you have to follow me up here?" I asked him as I folded my hands with my eyes shooting daggers at him.

" Don't flatter yourself, your presence here repulses me and I mean to stay clear from you as possible, you irritate me," I had to blink at the insult.

" Excuse me, what makes you think I want to have anything to do with someone like you, you of all people should know that," I saw something dangerous flash in his eyes, and for a moment it scared me but I pushed that fear down. He asked for it.

" Let me tell you something, you are nothing but a waste of time," Before I could say anything he walked away, who the fuck did he think he is? And why did I even bother to stand here listening to him spill all that rubbish to me and now he has just ruined my evening.

I opened the door of the restroom, closing it with a bang, I was putting my anger on the poor door.

I looked at myself in the mirror and if I was a cartoon character I would have smoke coming out of my head in anger. He thought this was over, I would get back at him.

The reason why we hated each other was clear, I bullied him in high school as the popular girl back then and he had a silly crush on me but I turned him down when he came to ask me to be his prom date, I called him a cripple boy, he was in a wheelchair for crying out loud and why did he think I was going to go with him?

Like I said I was a mean girl back then but now I've changed, well for other people, not him. At school everyone talked behind my back about how a cripple boy came to ask me out on a date, they thought I didn't know

From then on we had hated each other, never crossing the same part not even after he could walk again. We became enemies for life.

I applied more lipstick and then took my phone from my pocket which started ringing again, it was a call from my mom, I wasn't in the right mood to talk to her so I just ignored the call.

I thought of going out there and telling Rodrigo I wanted to go home and didn't want to be here anymore because of how angry I felt but I decided against it, that was what he wanted, if he hated my presence I might as well just stay to annoy him more.

I looked at the mirror one last time before walking out the door and heading downstairs.

" You know for a moment I wanted to go up there and look for you, what took you so long?" Rodrigo asked as soon as he saw me.

" Met one of my archenemies, you know I'm beginning to feel like my enemies are my greatest fans, they follow me everywhere,"

" You met Ant man?" He asked me trying to hide his smile like he was finding the situation funny, there was nothing funny, one of these days I knew I was going to go to prison for killing someone, as people were getting on my nerves.

The dinner party continued without any sign of him and I couldn't be more happy. I knew he wasn't in the room because I stopped having that feeling like someone wanted to stab a knife in my back.

Since we couldn't stand the sight of each other, one of us had to leave, good thing it wasn't me.

When the party ended, we got into the car and headed home, Rodrigo had to drop me off first before he turned and drove off, might I add with my car.

As soon as I got into the house I was met with my mom who looked like she had turned this hall a thousand times in impatience.

" Mom, what's wrong?" As she heard my voice she immediately turned to me.

" Lilian, I've been trying to reach you but you wouldn't pick up my calls," What was so urgent that she wouldn't let me get back home before we talked about it?

" What's wrong?" I repeated my question.

" Someone is here to see you," Before I could ask who, she had already taken my hand and was dragging me to the sitting room.

" Mom slow down,"

" Your husband-to-be is here to see you," I stopped.

  Is this some kind of joke or something? As the thought came, I looked to where my dad stood with a man who had his back to me, they both were involved in some serious conversation.

They both suddenly turned to me and my heart stopped.

You've got to be kidding me.

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