Chapter 27- Lost

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I groaned when something hit the side of my head and I turned to my left to see that it was from her. There was no avoiding her no matter how hard I tried, she was always everywhere, ready to torment me.

“ Oh, look, I found the ball and it's with crippled boy," she said as she ran towards me and took the ball that fell just beside my wheelchair.

“ Do you wanna play football with the guys? I was taking this ball to them,” she asked when she knew that I couldn't even stand not to talk of playing football,

I ignored her and was about to wheel myself out of there but she blocked me,

" It's just a simple question and I expect an answer,” she said as her minions surrounded her all laughing at the situation,

" I don't want to play Lilly,” I said,

" Oh or you can't play,” she said as her eyes went to my legs and my hands clenched,

“ My bad, I thought you were like other boys but I guess you're incapable, sorry," she said as she harshly dropped the ball she was holding on my lap.

“ Oops, it slipped,” she said as she carried the ball and looked me square in the eyes before shaking her head and walking away,

She was a witch and I…

“ Antonio, Antonio!" I blinked as I turned to my best friend sitting beside me in the car.

“ What the fuck are you thinking about? I've been talking to you since but you've been staring into nothingness, you good?" he asked,

“ Yeah, I'm good, sorry my mind just got lost, what were you saying?" I asked,

" I was saying, will you really hangout with the model tomorrow?” he asked,

" Yeah, what's wrong with that?” I asked,

" You're getting married on Saturday, you don't want any scandal right?” he asked and I scoffed,

" Getting married doesn't stop me from having friends,” I said,

" Friends you say Mr Gonzalez, nobody can see a beautiful woman like Rosabella and a handsome man like yourself as friends,” he said,

" Can't believe you finally accepted I'm handsome,”

" Is that the only thing you heard? All I'm saying is don't get in trouble and ask me to get you out because you'll be on your own, I'm warning you,” he said pointing his finger at me and I couldn't help but chuckle,

" Relax, I'm not going to do anything crazy, did you do what I asked you to do?” I asked,

“ Not now Antonio, I don't have time for that," he said dismissively,

“ Really? I am the boss,"

“ Doesn't change anything, I'll do it when I can," he said as he turned to his tab and I just shook my head before turning to look out the window.

The car drove into the mansion as the driver parked in front of the house.

“ Get the fuck out before your Mom catches me and won't let me go," he said as I chuckled before opening the car door and stepping out.

“ See you tomorrow fucker," I said and he gave me the finger before I closed the car door and walked into the house.

“ Mom! I'm home!" I said as I walked to the sitting room but she wasn't there,

“ Very soon you'll be saying honey I'm home, I can't believe you're getting married," I heard her voice from behind me and I turned to see her smiling as she looked at me.

“Mom" I called as I walked to her and hugged her, kissing her on the head.

“ How was your day at work?" she asked as she helped me take off my suit jacket,

“ Was good,” I said,

" I don't know why you and your dad won't let me resume work,” she said as I took her hand and dropped a kiss on it.

“ Not a chance Mom, until you're fully recovered, you're not doing anything," I said as we both walked to the dining room.

“ Oh before I forget, you have to go to your fiancee’s house and invite them over for dinner next tomorrow, it's the family tradition, we have to eat together as a family before the wedding, it's a form of acceptance,” she said,

" Must I do that?” I asked with a groan as she narrowed her eyes at me,

" Fine, I'll do it, where's Dad?”

" Missing me?” My Dad's voice joined us as he walked to me and we did our father son fist pump. It never gets old.

“ How was work?" he asked as he walked to the head chair and sat down and I walked to the chair by his left and sat down while my Mom took the right side.

“ Was good, can you imagine Mom was talking about resuming work," I said and he turned to my Mom who raised her hands in surrender,

“ Can't believe my own son is telling on me," she mumbled but I heard her,

The maids started serving as we engaged in conversations talking about random things.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I brought it out to see it was a message from Rosabella.

‘ Hope to see you tomorrow,’ the message read with an address attached to it.

‘ Definitely,’ I replied before keeping the phone.

“ You're smiling, is that your fiancee?" My Mom asked and I almost puked at that but to make her feel better I lied,

“ Yeah," I said and my Mom started cooing.

" Mom, let's eat,” I said,

" Such a kill joy,” she said and I couldn't help but chuckle,

My family was my everything, I couldn't have asked for better parents, I had the worst attitude when I couldn't walk, I gave them a lot of headaches and it didn't help that I hated myself.

They were always worried about me because on several occasions I had wanted to take my life. But they were there for me every step of the way. Helping me with my therapy.

But in all they did it was her words that sealed everything for me.

‘ You'll never be like the rest of us,’

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