Chapter 1

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Mona POV-

I'm going to the market with my mom. I really hate going outside
Yeah, even half of my neighbors don't know that I exist but mom forced me
I'm bored as hell but I can't do anything

Let me introduce myself first
I'm Mona, 18 yrs. Old university student
I live in New Delhi, India with my parents
Like every child, I love them very much
And like you, I'm also a reader and a writer as well
I love reading and writing fiction and I also love Indian outfits very much...

You'll call me boring but let me tell you something

I don't smoke
I don't drink
I don't go out for wild parties every weekend
I don't post slutty pictures of myself online
I don't wear 3 inches of makeup, just to look cool
I've never been in relationship before
I don't make out with anyone

I'm just into my fictional world"

Enough of introducing myself, let's get back into my life

"Mom, what now?"
I asked to my mom as we almost purchased everything

"Let's buy something for dinner, then we'll go back"
She said

I started chasing her like a small kid then we finally reached in front of a shop, we are regular customers here
The staff is very polite here

My mom started picking things for dinner, while I noticed something, from which I'm unfamiliar
I thought to ask from any staff present here
And finally, I found the sweetest one, he is a man in his 30s, I know him from yrs.. He is working here, and is such a cutie pie
I picked the packet and stand in front of him

"Heyy Mona, it's nice to see you again"
He said

I showed him the packet and asked

"Bhyia ye kya h? "
"Brother, what is this? "

"Ye Soya h, bcche"
"It's soybean, kid"

"Toh fir isse jgao na"
"Then, wake him up"

He glared at me with disbelief and said nothing

By the time, my mom done with her shopping and came at counter for billing, and he said

"Mam, inhe sath mtt lekrr aaya kre"
"Mam please don't bring her here with you"

My mom passed me a glare and I looked down in embarrassment

Meanwhile, he chuckled
I also passed draggers at him through eyes but he smiled gently like nothing happened

Finally, we started going towards home and I'm tired
I just want some peaceful sleep by now

As soon as we reached, I went into my room and fell asleep without thinking about anything

At night:

I wake up at 8:00 pm after freshing up myself I went down stairs, only to find one of my stupid relatives
I just hate them
They always judge me but who cares?
I'm a bubbly girl who never listened to anybody except my parents

I greeted them and helped my mom with dinner
After that, we all sat there for dinner

"Mona.... You've turned to 18 this year
Think about marriage now"
That witch, I mean my aunty said

"Mind your own business, I'm not interested in your silly talks"
I replied without caring like always

She chuckled nervously while my father passed me a glare

"What a Mannerless girl... My child never talked back to me"
She said

"Oh... But I do that a lot"
I replied again

Now, my mood is just pissed by that witch so I came into my room with my food

Actually, it's not like that I don't love marriage and all
Obviously I love as I'm a fiction reader but the thing is that I believe in "true love" And "love before marriage" And more importantly, I'm just of 18
It's not the right age to marry
So I just hate those people who ask me about marriage and all....

I believe that

"If you marry the right person,
Everyday is valentine

Marry the wrong person
Everyday is labour Day

Marry the financially stable person
Everyday is New year

Marry an immature person
Everyday is children's day

Marry a cheater or liar
Everyday will become April fool day"

That's what I think

Then, I picked up a sweet book and started reading it after having my dinner

Then, I picked up a sweet book and started reading it after having my dinner

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Adrain POV-

I'm exhausted as hell.... Today our rivals "Sallows" Called my father for a deal, and my father went there
I tried to stop him but him being stubborn went there by ignoring me
Actually, he'll not had agreed for a deal but we heard that they are trying to link or build connections with Russians
And tbh, Russians are also one of the most powerful mafias
If these 2 rivals came together, then we'll have to face great difficulties
So to cooperate my father went there but still.... I declined because we're not less powerful, we can fight with them as we have connections with Israel ....

According to my father, he doesn't want to loose our loved ones anymore
If the fight starts again, then obviously they'll attack our backbone first, I mean our loved ones and no one wants that

They're not trustworthy, they killed out our many family members,
It's not like we didn't do something for revenge but still..... I want to finish them badly
Right now, my father is Mafia king but next is me
Maybe within few weeks, I'll took over his position
Definitely then, I'll show them their position but for now, I can do nothing except obeying my father

I'm Adrain, soon to be mafia king
I'm from "Aslans" It's our surname
I live in Istanbul, Turkey
I'm 26 yrs. Old
I never fell in love Or something in my life
Even I don't believe in that shit, there is nothing like love and all....
I just use girls for my pleasure and threw them away but I never forced myself on anybody as girls threw themselves on me
I love to torture people, specifically torture "Sallows"
I live with my family (my mom, dad, grandmaa and two younger brother Adler, 22 yrs. Old and Harold, 25 yrs. Old)
My grandfather was died while fighting with Sallows before 5 yrs....

I'm fully prepared to be a mafia king, just to finished each and every member of Sallows

I'm fully prepared to be a mafia king, just to finished each and every member of Sallows

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