Chapter 24

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Adrian POV:

I opened my eyes only to see Adler on the couch and Aria on floor
Why is she sleeping there?
I stood and went towards her only to find  a project file
Who made this?
I opened it and found a very well-prepared project work
I never expected this

I blinked several times only to find myself in reality
Did she do this?
But how can she?
Her handwriting, information about India, planning, plotting, design, neatness
Literally everything is well-managed
Nobody can say that she prepared it in just a few hours
Now my suspension on her is Increasing

I looked at her and She curled herself in a ball due to the cold, I picked her up and placed her on my bed and covered her with blanket
I placed her mobile on the side table along with the project file

Here Adler was curling due to the cold so I covered him as well with a thin bedsheet

Mona POV:

I wake up by the alarm sound and found myself on bed.
Who did this?

Ignoring everything I went to call Adler so that we can complete this project

"Adler... Adler... Bro..
WAKE UP" I called

"Hmm" He just hummed in response

Suddenly someone came out of the bathroom and it was

"What happen? " He asked

"Ahh... Actually I need some picture to paste in this project so I'm waking him up " I replied

"Send them to me, I'll do that in 10 min. Let him sleep for a while"
He said

I nodded and went to pick my mobile

"Done" I said

He nodded and called someone only to ask for printouts in 5 min.

"When did you slept? " He asked

"Uhh... At morning" I replied

"Sleep more after having breakfast, no need to clean mansion today"
He said

"Thank you so much" I replied with a genuine smile as I literally needed time to rest today

He chuckled

"Kitten behave well otherwise you'll end up with punishment" He said

"Huh? What I did now? " I asked

I came closer to him making me step back
But to my bad luck, my back touched the wall

"You're CAGED" He said

I don't know why but I'm feeling like he mean something else by this.... Ohh godd what's happening here?

"I'm sorry but I really didn't did something wrong" I replied

"ARIA.... Are you sure you're not lying, I mean if there is something that you want to tell me then just blurt it out"
He said

His this sentence broke me completely... How much I want to tell him and everyone that I'm not ARIA, I'm MONA and I want to go back...
I'm not a slut, whore Or a rich brat

I'm trying hard not to cry now

"What are you t-talking about? I don't have anything to say" I replied while looking away from his eyes

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU" He shouted making me flinch

"Adrian.... I'm sorry, please let me go"
I requested as he is caging me between his hands

"What did you say? " He asked

"Huh? I said Let me go"

"Not that, call me again by my name"
He said

"A-adrian" I called

"AGAIN" He looked deep into my eyes

"Adrian" I called again

As soon as I say that, he placed his lips on mine.... I tried to struggle under his hold but it was of no use

"Stop struggling kitten" He said

Tears started steaming out of my eyes, I felt helpless

Finally after making me breathless he left me
I started crying and sobbing

"Don't act innocent if you're not"
He said

"SHUT UP!! Just shut up
How dare you? You've no right over me, just stay away from me, DON'T TOUCH ME EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!"
I shouted my heart out

"You know what kitten, I've every right over you.... And I swear this tongue of yours will be the reason of your punishment one day
Don't push my limits"
He shouted while grabbing my wrist

"What's happening dude? "
Adler groaned in sleep

"OUT ADLER" Adrian shouted

"NO, Adler please stay
He is insane" I said

"Fine... I'll tell you what can a insane person do" He shouted

Adler went out immediately after closing the door

"NOW..... What were you saying, my sweet wife" Adrian mocked by anger was visible in his eyes

"Adrian listen...... Just treat me  as a maid, okay?
There is no need to make everything difficult for both of us" I explained

"Difficult? How?
Sluts like you can develop feeling just by a kiss or what, huh?
Is there anything difficult in this? "
He said while hurting me by his words

He is the one who took my first kiss.... He is the one who supported me here, no wonder he hurted me with his words but when there was no one he helped me with my wound, he let that wound healed, he didn't let those monsters touch me in the warehouse, he made me ear dinner, let me sleep in his room, protected me from everyone especially from Harold, he can do anything with me but he never touched me inappropriately like others did
How can I not develop feeling for him?
He is my saviour but if saviour started behaving this way then how will I survive here?

"Pl-please try to understand, you're making everything difficult for me"
I said

"ARIA...... Just tell me WHO ARE YOU?
And everything will be very easy for both of us" He asked


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