Chapter 5

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Mona POV-

We just had dinner, I don't want to eat their food but that old man passed me a dreadful glare and I started eating without any second thought. They showed me my room
It's wonderful like the rest of this house but now, this comfort is meaningless.
It's 2:00 am right now and I'm unable to sleep
There is very tight security outside with guns..

Suddenly I flinched as Someone knocked on the door and I stood up from bed
It's 2:00 am god..... Who is there?
Gathering up my courage I went to open the door, only to find
That boy here, he saw me and passed a wide smirk

"How can I help you this time? "
I asked with hesitation as he is alone and everyone is sleeping

"Ohh my naive girl.... How can you help me? Huh...
Well, right now.... "
He said and invited himself in my room
And closed the door shut

Panick rushed over me once again..... What's his Intension?

"Right now..... I just WANT YOU"
He finally said with evil intentions

What.....? Please please.... Goddd........ I don't know what to do, what to think, he is closing our distance with each step while I'm moving backwards to maintain more distance.

" from
I managed to say that

"My innocent angel
I wonder how will you survive with Adrian, he's a beast.... But don't worry
We've complete 1 week
I'll teach you"
He said and smirked

I started crying more badly.... How can he say that to me? Who is Adrian? But before that, who will save me now?

"Ple.. "
I tried to plead once more but my voice strucked in my throat
My tears are Continusoly flowing down without stopping.... I wiped them again and again but it's useless

"Say something, barbie
Complete your sentence atleast
I'm willing to hear your sweet voice"
He treased me

My back hit the wall and now I'm trapped, I started Hicupping in fear while crying

"Can't you even speak? Ahhh Jesus .... This innocent creature"
He said and moved his hand towards my face
I flinched but he remove my hair from my face and caressed my cheecks softly

"I really don't think that you'll be able to cooperate with Adrian
You'll die there"
He repeated that name again, even I don't know who is he?.....

"By the way, your little frock is cute"
He said and touched my dress

I jerked away his hand and fall on knees in front of him.....

" sp...are m.e, s..sir
I'll ob..ey you fro..m now on"
I managed to say that while joining my hands in front of him

se"I managed to say that while joining my hands in front of him

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He chuckled and bend in front of me

"I love that innocence of yours"
He said while I'm shivering by now...

He was about to touch me further and I closed my eyes as I'm unable to do anything but suddenly, someone knocked at the door
An hope emerged in my eyes and I tried to shout

He passed me a glare but now, there is a hope in my eyes

He unlocked the door and found his mother standing at the door
She came inside and saw me

"What were you doing, Herry? "
She shouted

"Mam.... Ma..m pleas..e sav..e me"
I pleaded

"Mom.... Please let me spend one night with her.... I want her very badly
Please just once"
He said

She shouted once again

"But why..... After all, we've to hand her over to Adrian
So, what will change if I use her once"
He replied shamelessly

"Herry.... She is going there in place of your sister... Just think about it
If Adrian found that your sister is not virgin that he'll think worst about us, and after all, we are from respected family"
His mother said

"Mom I think by now... He would have searched about Aria"
He said

She ignored him and came towards me...

"Stand up, kid and calm yourself"
She consoled me

Without looking backward, I straightly went inside the attached washroom, I closed the door and stand near it but I can hear them

"Herry listen..... They are coming tomorrow for engagement ceremony and if they saw her in bad condition then they can suspect us"
She told her son

"What? Tomorrow? " He asked and she replied in "hmm"

After that, they left from there and I again fell on the floor

After 20 minutes, I stood up and went in my bed
While thinking about everything I slept.....


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