Chapter 13

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Mona POV

I have been working nonstop for the last 4 hours  this mansion is so huge, it has a swimming pool, library, gym , personal theatre and almost everything
I don't know how I will clean everything, I'm tired but I've no option except working

"Heyy bitch" Someone called me from behind

I looked behind only to find Harold standing there, why he is calling me that? Don't he have manners

"Make some pasta for me, now"
He said

I nodded and went towards the kitchen as I don't have any option except that

I started making pasta and he is standing behind me
I'm feeling uncomfortable by his presence but I can't do anything

"Quickly" He ordered

"I'm cooking it sir please wait" I almost shouted

"How dare you to shout at me" He yelled

"I was not.... It's
What are you
Ahhhhhhh..... Please..... "

He placed the pasta on table and put my hand on the stove tightly
My hand was burning so hard...

"Please pl..ease leave me sir.... Ah..hhh.... It's Please
I..I'll never do that ag..ain
I'm so..rry sir " I begged

He finally left my hand, but it's burning so hard

"You better not do that again" He shouted and left from there

I turn off the stove and sat on the floor, it's... It's burning like hell
I even don't know what to put on it... It's hurting so much
How can anyone be so heartless?
I hate everyone.... I hate my life

I started crying more and more but it's still burning

I started crying more and more but it's still burning

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I even don't have painkillers or anything..
Suddenly I remembered that I've to clean this mansion till night otherwise Adrian will also punish me
But how, I don't think now I'll be able to clean anything
I just want to cry and cry and cry

After 30 min.

I finally stood up from there holding my hand tightly, wiping my tears
I went towards servant quarter where my room is
Finally, I wrapped 2 handkerchief on the wound and went upstairs for cleaning as I don't want any other punishment from Adrian, I'll not be able to bear that
My head is spinning, I even don't had my breakfast...
I thought to ask help from grandmaa but Adrian will kill me if I did that, if I showed her my wound....

I started cleaning while crying but whenever that wound came in contact with water while cleaning it burns twice harder
I can't bear it......... Ohhhhh godd, help me please

At 6:00 PM

I started preparing dinner for everyone, I cleaned almost everything except library, gym and terrace
But now it's dinner time and I've to prepare dinner, it's more important but I'm tired, my head is spinning

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