Chapter 29

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Morning :

Mona POV-

I opened my eyes and found myself on Adrian, how did I get there ? Ohh godd... Such a heavy sleeper I'm
I looked at the clock to check time and it was 12:00 PM

"Ahhhh" I shouted as soon as I saw the time, how can we sleep for more than 12 hours

"WHAT? KITTEN " Adrian shouted

"It's 12:00 PM" I said

He looked at the clock and made
an 'ohh' Face

He stares at me blankly

"What now? GET UP" I said

He chuckled

"You're on me completely, how should I get up? " I said making me realize that he was right, I'm completely laying on him

"Ohh I'm sorry" I tried to get up but he pulled me back

"I won't mind even if we stay like this for some more time" He teased

"Adrian I'm hungry, just get up"
I said pulling myself away from him

"My morning kiss" He asked

"Huh? What? "

"MORNING KISS KITTEN" He said coldly

"But why? " I asked

"Coz you're my WIFE" He replied

I nodded

"Be quick" He commanded

I gave him a peck on his cheeks and went inside the washroom
But I can hear him chuckling behind

Adrian POV:

I never slept for this long, but her presence made me break my record, she is acting like a drug for me

I can feel something in her as well, she also has feelings for me but she is not accepting it, I think because she thinks that I'll keep her with me forever and she'll never got a chance to meet her family

But I'll do everything step by step, first I'll secure her family in India fully then her close friends
And then, I'll handle those shallows for doing this nonsense
I'll make their son beg in front of her, how dare he touch her like that?
I'll rip him apart
No one can touch what's mine and now she is MINE

I'll surely let her meet her  parents but convincing them is also a big task, I can't use my power for that as they're now my relatives as well
I can't threaten them
So I'll do my best to make them accept me
I'll do everything for her even if I have to beg in front of them

Mona POV-

Finally we both had a shower and now, we're ready to go down stairs

"Let's go" I said making him nod

We went down stairs but found everyone sitting in the hall
I bowed at everyone when they looked at us

"Looks like someone enjoyed their night "
Harold teased

"No, it's... Just.. " I was about to give him an explanation but Adrian shasss me

"Yeah we enjoyed a lot"
He said and took me inside the kitchen

"What the hell Adrian? They'll misunderstand us" I shouted

"So what? You're mine officially
What are you fearing of? " He said

I just hummed in response
He served our breakfast or maybe lunch, coz it's lunch time
And we had it together

"Kitten I'm going for an important meeting so I'll not be able to join you for shopping but call me immediately if you need something or find anything unusual, okay? "
Adrian said

I nodded

"Use your little mouth otherwise I'll use it for something else"
He said coldly
I know what he mean by that so I simply replied


" Fine, mom and Adler will be with you"
He said

"Okay" I replied

He kissed my forehead and went out of mansion

"Have a good day" I shouted and he winked

"Daughter come here" His mom called me

Ohh God... It's so uncomfortable here, everyone are present
His dad, mom, grandma, Adler and Harold

"Yes mam" I replied

"First call me mom then we'll talk"
She replied

"Okay m-mom" I called

She stood up and gave me a tight hug

"Ohh myy sweet sweet daughter
How much my soul crave to listen this word from my son's bride"
She said

To be honest, she is weird
Only Adler and grandmaa are normal here otherwise complete family is psychopath

Adrian is cool sometimes but at the same time, he can be rude and angry
He is mixed


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