Chapter 28

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We're on the dining table, Adrian forced me to sit with them
He is telling everything to his family while everyone is staring at me

His father shouted

Ohh godd..... Please save me and my family
I'm playing with my fingers in nervousness

"Dad, now I'm mafia king so I'll decide how to deal with them
And about her
I married her and love her so much, she is my wife
Don't ask me to leave her ever"
Adrian said

"But son how can we keep her like this?
If she is not Aria then simply send her back , we'll find a suitable girl for you"
His mom said

I didn't dare to look up so I'm Continusoly staring at my lap

"Mom, I want her as my sister in law"
Adler said while tapping on my shoulder to console me

"Mom dad, I want no one except her
She is enough and suitable for me"
Adrian said

"How old are you? " His father asked while passing my glares

"18" I replied

"Are you stupid, she is a KID"
Harold shouted

"Don't teach me who is she
I know everything about her
And you Harold, you better keep your mouth shut" Adrian said

"Why didn't you tell us earlier? "
His mom asked

"Mam... They... They threaten me to kill my family" I replied

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you and your family, if Adrian decided you to be his wife" His father replied

"SHE IS MINE" Adrian said while holding my hands in his

"Well okay but I don't want any excuse later and make sure to deal with those Bastards in 1 week"
His dad said and left from there

"Are you Virgin? " His mom asked

"Huh? " Nothing came out from my mouth except this
How can anyone ask such question in front of everybody
Ohh godd...... This family is crazy of what?

"VIRGIN? " She said coldly while raising her eyebrows

"Y-yes mam" I replied and looked back at my lap in embarrassment

Suddenly someone hugged me, and it was

"Ohh my sweet daughter, I'm so sorry how I reacted earlier
Regard me as your mother, okay? "
She said

She changed her colour within seconds... Woahh

I nodded simply

"I'm also sorry" Harold said

I nodded while whispering 'it's okay'

"Yayyyy I'm so happy for you sister, love you so much" Adler said

I hugged him, he is the best brother

"Shift your luggage in my room and you don't have to do anything from today"
Adrian said

"Yes and we'll go to shopping tomorrow"
Her mom said

I nodded

I'm really happy that everything is changing but I want to go back to my parents

Finally, maids help me to shift my luggage in his room
And now, it's almost time to sleep

"KITTEN" He shouted

"Yeah coming"

"Take your time" He said

I quickly changed into my pajamas and went outside

"Yeah? " I asked

"Need painkillers? " He asked

"No, I'm good" I replied

He nodded

"Let's sleep together then" He said making my eyes snapped open

"WHAT? " I asked

"What do you mean by what? Let's sleep, don't react like I'm asking any stranger to sleep with me" He said

He was very calm like he is really asking from his loved one

"But... "

"Listen, my back is done by sleeping on the couch, I can't bear anymore
And secondly, you're my wife so now you'll sleep with me "
He commanded

"Okay but only sleep " I replied

"So, were you expecting more?
I mean I don't have any problem with that"
He asked while teasing me

"Shut up!!!!!!! " I shouted and quickly wrapped myself under the blanket

He chuckled and laid beside me

After 15-20 min, he dragged me closer but to be honest, I didn't feel weird or uncomfortable even I feel comfortable in his arms
He kissed my cheeks and whispered
'Gud nyt kitten'
I smiled and blackness drafted around my eyes


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