Chapter 12

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I woke up and blinked to recognize this unfamiliar surroundings then I remembered that last night, I slept in the lap of grandmaa but she is not here, maybe she went somewhere

On the other hand-

Grandmaa was sitting on the coach in the hall, Adrian came and greeted her, she asked him to sit beside her

"Adrian.... Last night Aria slept in my room" She said

He just hummed in response

"She was a little scared and nervous
Well, it's common for a new bride but the thing is that, she is the daughter of our biggest rivals, so she is scared more and I want you to take care of her, gain her trust and treat her like a queen"
She said

He nodded again

"And lastly, I don't want any complaints from her especially regarding you, understand? " She asked

"Don't worry grandmaa I'll treat her the way she deserves" He replied

"Now, you should rest as your condition is not good
We'll send your breakfast inside your room and make sure to on the silencer of your room, so that you can rest peacefully" He said

He helped grandmaa and took her inside the room
After making sure, that she is alright, he went outside

Here Mona took a bath and came down stairs

Here Mona took a bath and came down stairs

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She saw everybody on the dining table and greeted but no one replied

"Is this time to wake up?? Girll!! Forget your lazy lifestyle
This is not your dad's home
You're nothing but a maid here
So, from tomorrow you'll prepare breakfast and dinner and yeah, complete cleaning work of this mansion is up to you "
Adrian's mom shouted

"I'm sorry mam
I'll do everything as you said "
She replied

Everyone looked at her with shocked expressions, how did she agree at once?
But no one replied to anything

"Have your breakfast after us, you're not worthy to have breakfast with us"
Adrian's father said

"Okay sir" She replied and was about to leave but someone Intruppted

"Make coffee for me" Adrian said

She nodded simply

The maid showed her way of kitchen and she followed her......

"Make 2 more for us" His brothers said

"Okay sir" She replied

And started preparing coffee for them quietly, she tried her best as she doesn't want to mess up this time

After she was done, she placed the mugs in a tray and went to serve them...

His brothers have a sip from it and praised her

"Good, you'll make coffee for us from now on"

"Yeah, it's amazing"

Adrian took a sip and threw the mug beside her
She flinched by his action

BITTER LIKE YOU.. " He shouted

"I'm.. I'm.. S.. Sorry sir
I'll be ca..reful from next time
Let me make.... An.. Another one for you"
She said

"No need slut, pick these pieces of mug and get out from here
You made my day worse just by your presence" He shouted again

She immediately started picking those pieces while crying, one of them injured her hand but this pain is nothing compared to that, which is inside her.... From which she is suffering...

She picked them up and went upstairs
After making sure that the door is fully closed she started crying her heart out

Why.. Why me? What did I do to deserve this nonsense? Why is he calling me slut? I hate him.... I hate all of them...

After around 10 minutes, the door unlocked, she immediately looked up to see who was here...

And it was her nightmare "Adrian"

She stood up from bed and looked at him

"H.. How did you come inside? "
She asked as she remembered closing the  door

"This is fucking my house, I can go anywhere I want
Any problem? " He asked

She nodded in negative immediately

"Just pack your stuff and fuck off from my room
You'll live in the servant quarter from now on" He said

She nodded and went towards the closet to pack everything
But he grabbed her wrist

"WHat..? " She asked

"Don't you dare to open that little mouth of yours in front of grandmaa otherwise there will be consequences, kitten"
He warned

"I'll n..not sir, I'm sorry" She replied

"Good, and never let her know where you're living" He said

She nodded immediately

"Now what?? Fuck off quickly"
He shouted

She started packing her stuff

" Well...... If you want to slut around then there are many guards in this mansion but you will not even talk to them from now on.... This is your punishment"
He said

"As if I want" She murmured

But he heard everything

"What....? So, you only want rich brats for your pleasure" He mocked

She didn't replied
He again grabbed her wrist

" me
I need to p.ack " She said

" I hate being ignored, slut"
He whispered in deadly tone

"I'm s..orry" She apologized

And started packing again as she wanted to leave as soon as possible,  his presence is scaring her more and more....
She just pushes clothes inside the bag without even folding or arranging them

"Why are you behaving like a saint?
Show your real face whore"
He taunted

"Sir.... Please I beg you
Please.... Leave me" She begged

"Fine.... Remember to finish every household chores alone.... If I found that anyone helped you then, you both are dead
Remember what I said"
He shouted

"Okay sir" She replied


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