Chapter 15

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5:00 am

Adrian POV

I woke up on the couch and remembered yesterday's incident
I looked towards the bed only to find her sleeping figure
I went towards her and observed her carefully..
She is sleeping like a dead pig but no wonder she had a hectic day yesterday, I caressed her cheeks which were little red due to crying
She still manages to look like a kid but her work is not of kids

Is this thing bothering me that she have been touched before?
Or she is our enemy's daughter?
I don't know what is bothering me but something is there which always tries to stop me from getting close to her

"Mumma 10 min.. More please"
She cried in sleep

I chuckled at her sweetness
And went towards washroom to get ready for the day

Finally, I got ready and came out, she is still sleeping
I didn't disturbed her and went down stairs
I have a important meeting today so I've to prepare for that
That's why I'm going early
I told maids to give her breakfast and lunch on time
After that, I went to office

In office-

"Boss, here are the details you asked for"
My PA said while giving me a file

I nodded and he put that file on my table

I checked that data only to find wrong data calculation by a club manager.
From starting, he was suspicious but still I gave him chance to show his sincerity but he choosed to betray me
Now, I can do nothing except killing him

"Bring that asshole in my warehouse"
I ordered on call

At warehouse-

His condition is worse by now as my mens treated him well in my absence

"Mr.Khurana, hope you're doing well"
I mocked as soon as I entered

"I'm.. Sorry boss
Please forgive me" He pleaded

"Aww..... Darling, but now, this is useless as you have successfully wasted a chance"I said

" Please don't kill me
I have a wife and 2 small childre..n at home"He said

"Ohh cool then
I shouted

"No... No.. Boss please I'm sorry
I assure you that I'll never repeat that"
He said

I shouted again

My mens finally bring his wife and children there, they all were looking terrified
But I like that, I like my fear in the eyes of people

I cut his forelimbs first and he cried in pain

"CRY HARD" I shouted

His wife and children were pleading to leave him but all screams are useless even I want them to shout more

Finally, after torturing him for 20 min., I shoot him in front of his family and in his head in front of my all mens, I want them to understand the consequences of betraying me

I left his family and gave them a good amount to survive and a opportunity to work as a maid in my mansion to his wife..

I hate betrayals

I left from there but my clothes are full of blood, I thought to change them in my way so I went towards home first

Himani POV-

I woke up at around 9:00 am and didn't find him in the room
Maybe he went somewhere, I don't care but he really helped me a lot yesterday, I never expected him to do that much for me...
I'm really thankful

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