Chapter 19

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I opened my eyes only to face an extreme pain in my head
I tried to recognize the surroundings and it was Adrian's room, no wonder he took me here
As soon as I recalled everything, tears started forming in my eyes
But I've to stay strong, I've to cooperate

I was in my thoughts, suddenly the door of the room was opened, Adrian came inside, I wrapped myself in a blanket and pulled myself in a corner

"You are messing up my mind, kitten and you've to pay for it" He said

I looked at him with wide eyes
What he did was not enough?
What does he want now?

"I'm sorry, please forgive me" I said

"FORGIVE? " He chuckled

He held my hand tightly and grabbed my jaw

"Why do you act innocent when we know everything about you, huh?
Show your real self " He said

I'm tired by this sentence

"Fine.... I was slutting around
I like rich brats, I'm a WHORE
I'm a SLUT, I'm Characterless
I'm..... "
I wasn't able to continue and tears started coming out of my eyes

He chuckled

"Don't you dare to look at any other men from now on, get it? " He asked

"WHY? Why do you care? Huh?
You told me that I'm just a maid here
I never refused for any work or something
But why do you care about my personal life?
Who are you to care about that?
And you're one of those men
You're ONE OF THEM, who just want girls for their pleasure, for their needs and treat them like an OBJECT and nothing else"
I shouted on his face

He replied

"Why? Truth hurts? Right? "
I chuckled

"Truth?????? Let me tell you the truth
Yes I'm one of them and you're also just a object for me and nothing ELSE
You're my property, you're binded with me and you'll listen to ME
And for now, let me show you your real place for opening this little mouth of yours in front of me"
He said and started dragging me with him

Now where is he taking me

"Leave me monster" I shouted

"Exactly, that's I'm kitten"

He took me inside the basement and pushed me into a dark room

"Stay here, you'll get no food and no mens to survive"
He said

"Open the DOOR!! " I shouted

I heard the sound of footsteps fading
He gone....

My head is still paining so I sat on my knees while thinking about everything, I looked here and there in this room
There is only a dim bulb and a small washroom in it
It's scaring me god......

I can't do anything so I just sat in a little corner while curling myself like a ball

After 8 hours

Adrian POV

I was sitting with my family in hall but my mind was in basement
It's been 8 hours since she was there but why I care?
No Adrian, she can't be your weakness, remember who she is?
Leave it....

"Where is she? " My mom asked

"In basement" I replied

"Why? " My little brother asked

"For PUNISHMENT" I replied

Everyone nodded and laughed but I don't know why, I'm not enjoying it
I left to spend some time in a bar to distract my mind

Mona POV:

I heard Someone is calling, maybe it's a dream

"Aria, aria"

I snapped my eyes open only to see who is here?
And someone really unexpected showed up
He was ADLER
(Adrian's younger brother )

Why is he here?
What he want? I thought

"Huh? " I managed to say that

He gave me a plate of food and water

"Have this quickly then I'll take the plate"
He said

"This is for me? " I asked

He nodded

"Why? " I asked

"Are you out of your mind or what?
Don't you digest some sympathy?
Just eat it quickly, if someone caught me then I'll be dead"
He said

"Then, why are you doing this for me? "
I asked

"I don't know but I can't see you like that
When Harold told us about burning your hand I can't bear anything against you after that , No one deserves that,
Just have this now" He said

Is he real?

"Did you mixed something in it? "
I asked

"You really want me to go ?
I mean you just wasted complete 5 minutes girll
Or you want me dead? " He asked

"But you know who I'm then why are you doing this? " I asked

"I really don't care about your personal life history or anything but you seems so innocent and I can't bear this much torture on you
Earlier my perceptions regarding you were different but trust me now I seriously regarding you as my sister in law
So please do me a favor, please quickly eat this
Brother will be back in 40-50 min. "
He said

I don't know whom to trust so I started eating without caring about anything as I'm so hungry

"Thank you so much
I'll never forget that"
I said after finishing my food

"No worries
Now I'm going, take care of yourself and do let me know if you need something"
He said

I nodded and he went outside after locking the door

Why did he do that? I thought


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