Chapter 20

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Adrian POV-

I came home from the club just now, I'm totally drunk but my mind is on HER. It's been 10 hours since she was inside, my heart is clenching when her face came in front of my eyes, she looks so innocent and naive
She didn't eat for the complete day nor did she drink water
I thought to free her now, that's too much for punishment
I came into the basement and now, I'm in front of the door
Did she faint or sleep? No sound is coming from inside
I unlocked the door and found a small curled figure in the corner

I went near her and waved my hand in front of her eyes

"Kitten" I called

No reply....

"KITTEN" I shouted this time

Mona PoV-

Someone called me in my dreams but I didn't reply, he shouted this time so I snapped my eyes open
And it was

What he wants now?

"Huh? " I said

"Are you okay? " He asked

Why does he care about me now?
I can smell alcohol from his mouth, as our faces are just inches apart
I'll not argue about anything now coz he is not in his senses, his eyes are red, hair are messy and voice is concerning which is definitely an indicator that he is drunk

"Yes, I'm" I replied

"Let's go" He said

"Where? "

"To our room" He replied

Huh? Our? What does he mean?

"I'm okay here" I said


"I'm sorry" I said and stand up

As soon as I stand, he pulled me up in bridal style but now, I thought not to argue about it

He carried me to his bedroom and put me on bed gently

"Change quickly" He said

"Huh? "

"To something comfortable for sleep, nothing else don't worry"
He said

I breath heavily but in calm

And he left after saying that
Is he going to sleep somewhere else?
Leave it.... Why do I care?
I thought

But I've no clothes in this room
I was in my thoughts when someone knocked at the door

"Come in" I said

A maid came with some clothes

"Mam sir asked me to give you this"
She said

"Thank you so much"
I replied

She bowed and left from there

I went inside the bathroom to change

Finally, I'm feeling better after showering and in these comfortable clothes
I came outside only to see Adrian sitting on couch

"Come and have your dinner"
He said

I noticed a full plate of food on the table, but I eat already
Ohh godd...... Why is he  showing mercy now? I don't need him.. Your brother already did a lot for me, he gave me enough food
I've no appetite

"I just want to sleep now"
I said

"Eat first then sleep as much as you want"
He said while looking at his mobile screen

"But I really want to sleep"
I tried to convince him

He passed me a dreadful glare

"Okay then... Let's sleep together"
He said

"Huh? What, NO... " I replied immediately

"Okay then eat otherwise we'll sleep together or maybe more"
He said like a pervert he is

I quickly went towards the table and took that plate

"Remember to finish everything"
He ordered

"But this is too much" I replied

"Choice is yours, I already gave you options
But if I found a single bite left in this plate then I'll go for second option"
He warned

Ohh godddd..........
I forced myself to eat

Huh..... Finally I finished the food

He was still busy in his mobile while I placed the plate on the sidetable

"Thank you" I said

He nodded like a rude person he is

Suddenly he remembered something and came towards me

"What? " I asked

"Show me your injured hand"
He asked

I showed him

He pulled the first aid box from side table and started dressing my wound gently

I looked at him in between and he is doing it while blowing air to reduce the pain
An small smile appeared on my face but then, I remembered everything and my smile faded

He did the dressing and left from there on his couch
Maybe he'll sleep there...

"Gud nyt and thank you again" I said

"Sleep well and remember not to pull any act from tomorrow" He said

I nodded simply

Then, I went to sleep directly
God...... This soft bed
I can sleep 24 hrs. On it
How much I missed you.....


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