Chapter 7

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Mona POV-

The mansion is decorated beautifully, I can't believe that these arrangements are for my engagement...

I lifted my gaze and saw 3 boys, 1 couple and an old woman, maybe their grandmother
As Herry informed me in the car that "Adrian" Is my soon to be husband and the other two boys are his younger brothers, he also told me about his brutality and he is the next mafia king

As soon as my eyes fell upon the most handsome one, our eyes struck, we made a small eye contact but I broke it and look downwards
My fake parents came and made me sit in front of them
I was very nervous, I just wanted to lock myself and cry hard but the situation is not in my favour right now so I didn't do anything except looking at the tiles, they are white in colour and looking very clean
I don't know why, but they are more interesting then this fake drama

My thoughts were Interrupted by the couple or my future in laws

"Very beautiful!!!!!!!"
My mother in law said

I didn't say anything and kept my gaze down as I'm feeling continuous stares from my soon to be husband
I just guessed that he is my husband as he is looking older than the other two but to be true, he is the handsome one ..

"Aria, you look like 20-22 yrs.
No one can guess your right age
So beautiful and damn innocent!! "
That old woman said, which I guessed their grandma
But how can I tell them that I'm only 18

This time I just nodded....

"Let's begin the ceremony without any further delay"
My father in law said

Everyone nodded and I froze as I saw rings in front of me. I don't want this , they made me sit beside Adrian and I moved a little in order to maintain a good distance.
He raised his eyebrows at my actions but didn't say anything
Soon we exchanged rings, everyone clapped but my hands were shivering, he held my hand tightly and made me wear the ring
"I'm caged" I thought...

He passed me an amusement look and smirked, now I noticed.... He is looking dangerous.... His face screams cruelty..
I don't know where I'm heading towards?

My fake parents offered sweets and we all had one piece....

"Come here, child"
That grandmother said

I went towards her and she told me to sit beside her...
She took my one hand in her hand and caressed it softly

"Very beautiful, I always wanted a lovely girl like you for my grandson
Now I can die peacefully... "
She said and I nodded

"Don't be nervous.... I'm with you"
She assured me as my complete body was shivering and she observed that as my hands were trapped between her hands

I nodded again like an obedient child

"Stay blessed both of you
May God bless you with happiness in your life together  ahead"
I excused myself for washroom

I directly went inside my room and didn't bothered to lock the door
I removed the ring and threw it somewhere in my room , I feel on my knees and started crying badly...
I was controlling it with great difficulties downstairs.... But now, I can't
I cried with my heart out....

Adrian POV-

I moved my head in the direction to see that slut but as soon as I saw her, my eyes dropped
She is the same girl which I saw a few minutes ago, playing with that puppy, her  face screams innocence
She is Aria?
She is their daughter?

How this slut manages to look this much sweet and innocent?
I thought

But I'm unable to take my eyes off from her.... No wonder, she is looking breathtaking... But reality is something different, reality is that she is nothing but a whore...

"Bro.... She is ageing like wine"
My brother said

"Bro if you don't want her then I'm willing to keep her"
My other brother said and I passed a glare at him

"Don't forget about our revenge"
I reminded him

I just want revenge..... I'll teach her good lesson after marriage, she deserves that.. You knows that behind this innocence, beautiful face there is a slut, whore, murderer.....
I thought

Our grandmother also joined us but we didn't informed her about our intentions, we simply told her that we are cooperating with Sallows by this wedding, she was happy as she didn't like violence.... And as her health is bad nowadays so we lied......

She kept her gaze down all this time like an innocent girl and also behaved like a Virgin, she kept moving from me to maintain distance and didn't speak any single word..
my grandmother trapped in this... She is very happy after seeing her..

But her hands were shivering when we exchanged rings.... No wonder, she must be afraid of us... Maybe she don't want to marry as her shutting will be banned by this bond
But don't worry sweetheart, I'll make your regret your decision.... This is the first time when you're regretting and I promise till the end, you'll regret

I'll make your life hell.......


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