Chapter 10

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At evening-

I woke up at around 7:30 pm and after changing, I went downstairs

"My lucky girl is here"
My so called step mother shouted and hugged me

"You know what... You're really lucky for us.... Love you" She said

I simply nodded and sat on the coach beside Aria
She looked at me with pity

"Are you okay? " She finally spoke
I nodded again

"Did he said something? " She asked again

And that's it, my patience broke and I started crying while hugging her

"He sai..d that I'll make my life he..ll
He even call..ed me slu.t
He ask..ed me to str..ip in front of him"
I blurted out everything while sobbing

She caressed my back and looked at me

"He have every right on you from now on... So, don't hesitate from next time"
She consoled me

I jerked her away after listening to her

"No one have right over me.... Except me, stop Consoling me.... I'm not a slut"
I shouted

She just smiled and looked at her mobile

"Now, you're a SLUT because you're Aria not Mona" She taunted

I wiped my tears and ran upstairs again

Why I came down? I know that this house is full of jerks.... But still... I'm stupid

I again sticked to my bed while crying

After 2 hrs:

Herry came and sat beside me
I didn't said anything to him, neither he

After around 15 min. He thought to break the ice

"Did he touched you? " He asked

I ignored him

"I asked you something" He said

I again ignored him

"Okay fine.. Don't tell me
Let's go for dinner otherwise dad will shout at you " He said

I was really hungry by now but I don't want to eat....

He grabbed my hand and took me downstairs
Everyone was there on the dining table
I sat there and started eating without saying anything

"Next time Behave in front of them"
My step dad said

"Me? " I asked

"Yes you....
Why the hell you were shivering during the ceremony and why you ran upstairs?
Don't you have manner to see them off? "
He shouted

I didn't said anything and bowed down

"Our children are known for bravery not for fear... So you better maintain this"
He warned me

"Your children are known for slutting around not for bravery
Please drop this act" I shouted as I'm unable to bear it now...

"Girl... You better start behaving otherwise you'll face the worse"
He warned

I want to shout, I want to slap him hard, I want to escape, I want to cry hard but I can't, I've no choice.....

I ran upstairs again

After around 1 hr... Aria's mother came in my room

"Please leave me alone" I requested

"I'm here to give you something" She said
And give me a brand new mobile

I looked at her in confusion

"Don't ever think to contact your parents... Otherwise you know what'll happen to you and them
And our contact no. Are saved in this mobile
Adrian wanted to talk to you..... That's why I'm giving you this
You better answer his every calls and messages and yeah, there is new sim card in it
That will be your personal no. From now on
You better behave and don't pull any act that you'll regret later"
She said and went out

I quickly opened the mobile and checked.... I really want to contact my parents but I can't
I quickly downloaded Instagram
As my brother's I'd is on Instagram and atleast, I can see him once
I'll be glad if I got a chance to saw him

As soon as it downloaded I logg in my I'd and deleted notifications so that nobody can know that I logg in my I'd from somewhere
I opened my brother's profile and started crying after seeing his pics
I love you..... I love you all

But my little happiness is vanished as soon as I saw messages of Adrian.... His no. Was already saved by his name

I opened inbox and check those messages

"Missing me, kitten? "

I don't know what to reply so I simply said

"NO, don't message me please"

" I'm the one who can order not YOU" He replied

"I'm requesting" I said

"Just 1 week, kitten
After that, I'll show you your right place"
He said

I started crying after his messages, just 1 week of my freedom,
Not even 1 week, I'm still caged
What can I do?
I'm literally trapped

I put my mobile on aeroplane mode and drifted to sleep after a hectic day....


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