Chapter 2

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Next day-

Mona POV

I'm getting ready for my university /college right now
I wore a comfortable dress along with my white shoes as I 've to spend complete 8 hrs...there including extra classes
Yeah, sometimes I attend extra classes and today is the day as my favourite subject that is "political science" Classes are conducting in extra time.

I came downstairs, greeted everybody and after kissing my mom I had my breakfast and finally, went to college

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I came downstairs, greeted everybody and after kissing my mom I had my breakfast and finally, went to college

Sometimes, I hate being in college as many boys are irritating here
I hate them...
I entered and met my sweet friends
(Naini and Niki)
They both are twins and almost alike
They are my best friends
I always enjoyed their company, we together went inside in our class

And here, I saw the most irritating boy in my class, Anurag, he always pisses me off, I hate his presence, he is the richest boy in our college and we also heard that his family have connections with some Turkish mafias or something
every girl threw themselves on him but I don't, that's why he irritates me

"Heyy kiddo"
He called

I ignored him like always and went to my seat
I opened my book and started reading
He came and grabbed my book

"Let's do something funny, kid except this nonsense study of yours"
He mocked

I tried to snatch my book from his hold but I'm too short
I'm only 5'1, that's why he always calls me "KID"
He always makes fun of me because of my height

"Too short to catch, baby"
He said

I finally thought about giving up and sat there quietly
No one dared to speak anything in front of him as they knew that he holds power to kick them out from the college or do something bad with them
My best friends looked at me with pitiful eyes....
He finally threw my book on his seat and sat beside me
I move a little while maintaining a good distance between us
He started staring at me and I looked away while ignoring me

"How many times I've to explain to you that don't ignore me
But you love to piss me off, kid"
He said

I'm ignoring him while staring outside the class window
He grabbed my wrist and I jerked away

"What the hell
How many times I've to explain to you that don't ever touch me with your filthy
I hate physical touches and specially when it came to those people whom I hate
But I agree that He never tried to do anything else except holding hands or tapping my shoulders
Obviously, he holds power to do something worse and no one can stop him but I hate these gestures as well...
I can't trust him.. He is my bully

"Why should I listen to you if you never listened to me? "
He asked

"Stop annoying me Anurag or I'll slap you in front of everybody"
I warned him as my patience broke into pieces

"Dare to do that kiddo and you'll see the worst side of me that you've never imagined in your Wildest dream"
He threatened

I know he is extremely capable of doing something worse that's why I always try to ignore him as much as possible but sometimes my mouth is on 9th level

"Please leave me alone"
I said quietly

He replied back

Tears started forming in my eyes, I'm helpless like everyday
In order to hide my tomato face which is about to explode in tears I moved my head in another direction
But he noticed that and as soon as he saw that, he left my wrist and stood from there
He went to his seat and came back with my book which he Snatched earlier, he returned it to me and whispered in my ear

"I didn't mean to make you cry, kiddo
It's you, who forced me to warn you but still, I'm SORRY.... "
And with this he went back to his seat

I can't believe that he just apologized, as soon as he left, I wiped my tears which are falling on my cheeks right now and my best friends came to console me like always

Then, our professor came and started teaching

Adrain POV

Yesterday my father came late at night and without saying a single word he went in his room but here, curiosity is killing me
What they finalised?
What did they said?

I thought to ask him directly at night but then, I thought that he might need rest right now and with that thought I went to sleep

Now I came to the dining table for breakfast, everyone gathered there including my father, I thought to ask him now as it's the current time
But before I spoke, he declared something

"I want you all to listen me before starting digging"

We all looked at him as he was serious, my mother arranged everything on dining table and sat beside him, while my brothers put their mobile down to listen dad...

My father looked at us and said

"I've fixed Adrian marriage with daughter of Sallows"
Everyone said "WHAT" As we're shocked by his statement

"But dad..... How can you?
I mean.. "
I was about to say something but he cut me off

"Stop arguing Adrian.... This is my last order as a Mafia king that you've to follow, no matter what you think
Next Mafia king will be you, so you'll not disobey you in any case"
And with that he finished

"But honey.... How will we cooperate with their shitty daughter"
My mom asked

"Just like we cooperate with shit"
He replied

"Dad, what happened yesterday? "
I asked finally

"Yes honey, tell us everything
We've right to know"
My mother said while supporting me


Both rivals were sitting in front of each other
Sallows thought to break the ice and said "For years, these two families had been locked in a bitter rivalry, each vying for control of the city's underworld. Blood had been spilled, alliances had been broken, and the hatred between the two families ran deep"

Aslans agreed in response
And both started thinking of a way to Cooperate

They spoke in hushed tones, discussing the possibility of putting aside their differences and joining forces

Finally, after thinking a lot about this, Aslans presented a plan

Adrian's father, a formidable man with a steely gaze, proposed a daring plan. He suggested that the two families could unite through marriage - specifically, the marriage of his daughter to the son of the Sallows.
Meanwhile, The Sallow leader, a cunning and ruthless man, saw the potential benefits of such an alliance and agreed to the proposal.

But the Sallows had a plan of their own. They knew that the Aslans would never truly accept their daughter into the family

And with this both shakes hands
But both have plans
Aslan's leader thought that they'll treat her like a maid and will make all Sallows regret while Aslan's leader smirked on his plan to REPLACE THE BRIDE...

Flashback ends.........

After listening to his father, everyone smirked in response as they all knew how they'll treat her and make Sallows regret their decision....


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