Chapter 22

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Adrian POV:

I came home just now, everyone is ready for the dining table to have dinner, I looked around only to see one person but she is not here
Is she okay?
Or they did something with her?
But I already warned them

"Where is she? " I finally asked

"Who? " Mom asked

"MY WIFE" I shouted

"What? " Harold groaned

"FUCKING ANSWER ME!! " I shouted again, I don't know what they did with her

My heart is ready to blast

"How do we know where you slut is"
Dad said


"Bro I saw sister going upstairs after cooking dinner " Adler told me

"I swear if I saw single scar on her body then you all are done today"
I shouted and went upstairs to check her

Ohh God.... First, I don't know what's happening with me
Second, I'm getting scared of leaving her alone with my family now

I checked in my room but she was not there
Where the fuck she went????

I started checking everywhere and now in the corner, I'm heading towards library

I entered inside only to see a sleeping figure on the chair
I went near her and picked the book

Is she interested in reading?
But I thought she only interested in parties, clubs and all....

Why is she so different??
At morning, I saw that when my mom was calling her name, she didn't replied like it's not her name
Then she ask my mom if she calling her?

Her personality is completely different according to her profile

I looked at her and caressed the strands of her hair which were falling on her face, why is she so innocent??
Did rumors spread about her personality? Or she is really a slut?

I picked her up in arms and carried her to my bedroom
This girl is driving me crazy....

I covered her with blanket and went down stairs

"Found your WIFE? " Mom taunted

"Yes, any problem? " I asked

She rolled her eyes towards me

I went to have dinner but Adler came

"Bro, she didn't had anything after breakfast
You better eat with her " He said

Why did he care about her?
I thought but I nodded simply

I served our dinner in one plate and went upstairs
She is still sleeping, I didn't want to wake her up but I've to

"KITTEN" I called

No reply....

"KITTEN, have your dinner" I said

"Mumma...... Please 5 minutes more, I'm not going to college today"
She groaned in sleep and again covered herself with blanket

What? Did she said 'mumma'? Why?
But in Turkish it's 'anne' and this word 'mumma' is used by Indians
I remember Anurag and grandmaa usually use this
How did she know?

And about college? Then, I remember she studied in foreign alone, not with her mother??????
What's this girl is babbling in sleep?

"WHO ARE YOU?? " I shouted

I asked while tapping her shoulder, she opened her eyes in looked at me with completely shocked

"Huh? " She said

"I said who the fuck are you girll? "
I asked again

"Me? Aria... What.. What happen sir? "
She asked

" Why did you said 'mumma' in sleep? "
I asked

"Huh? I? No... I.. Actually that"
She is just messing up with words

"WHAT? " I shouted

"Uhmm... Actually.. My.. My best friend was.. Uhh.. Indian... So she usually used to teach me her language and...
To practice that, I use her language in my daily life... " She said

But her face is saying something else, her face is red and it seems like she is about to cry

Her best friend????? I've to find out about her more deeply
I doubt her now....
Either she is confused or trying to confuse me

"Get up and have dinner"
I said while ignoring this matter

"I remember reading book in library, who... Who took me here? "
She asked

"Are you able to see someone here except me? "
I asked

She nodded negatively

"Come quickly
You're not in the position of asking questions" I said

She came on the couch and we started eating

I passed her plate full of meat but she ignored it

"Have some" I said while pushing that plate towards her

She was making veg from many days so today I asked the head maid to prepare meat for us

"No, I'm okay" She said and keep eating the sandwich

Who the fuck have sandwich in dinner??
Well, I'm the stupid one who brought these here

"You're not okay, your body needs some proteins so just eat it" I said

"Actually... I... I don't eat non-veg"
She said

I stopped my spoon in middle and looked at her

"WHY? " I asked

"It's just.. Because.... Uhh.... I've..... Yes, I'm allergic with them"
She said while shuttering like she was thinking something

"You better don't lie to me
If I find out anything, then you're dead"
I warned

She nodded simply

She is something else..... But why I don't know the reason?

"When is your birthday? " I asked

Her face become pale by my question

"Uh.... Why.... Why do you care about that? " She asked

Her face is screaming fear... I can sense it, but what is there to afraid of?

"I asked you a question" I said

"Uhhh.... I.... I remember something.... Excuse me" She said and went towards the door

"You better stop there...
If you step out of this room then consequences will not be in your favour"
I warned

She stopped immediately and turned towards me

"Sir..... I.. I really have something to do
Please" She requested

"Answer my question and go anywhere, I won't stop you" I said

"It's..... It's on uhh... 5 October"
She said

I nodded

"You may go now" I said

She disappeared with the speed of light like she saw a ghost

Now, I've to check her birth date in documents
I've to clear my doubts
Who is she??


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