Chapter 8

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Adrian POV-

"May I have a few words with my fiance alone? "
I asked her parents

"Sure son, she's your now
You can, whenever you want
We are no one to stop you now"
Her father replied

Her brother showed me way towards her room and went back from there downstairs

"She's yours now"
I don't know why but this sentence is roaming in my mind again and again

I barged inside her room, obviously I don't need anyone's permission now
But as soon as I entered, I felt something under my shoes when I noticed it was a ring
Our engagement ring
I picked it up and shoved it inside my pocket

What? But why? How dare she?
I fumed in anger and thought to teach her  a good lesson for that now

I came here to talk but now, she needs  a lesson for this stupidity.....

Mona POV-

I was crying but suddenly someone entered inside, I ignored as I thought maybe Herry Or someone from this family came.....
But after sometime

I hear in a cruel tone..... What? It's? Adrian maybe?

I turned and saw a tall figure of 6 feet in front of me, while I'm only of 5'1
I'm like a kid in front of him....
He was clenching his jaw in anger... But why? And what is he doing here?

I stood on my legs properly and looked at him .... To confirm what he is doing here?

He stared at me for a few minutes and suddenly, grabbed me by my waist...
I struggled but it was useless

He asked

Slut? Huh? Why? No I'm not a slut.... Even my first kiss is preserved...
How can he call me slut
I'll not accept this.... He can't call me like this...

I stared at him in absolute disgust.... And finally said

"Who... Who the fuck are you to call me slut.... Just look at yourself once
You're looking like a slut, not me
And leave..... Just leave me
If you dare  to call me slut again then I'm gonna teach you a good lesson"
I shouted on his face

"Dare..... Accepted
He said

He crossed at his limit by now..... And I slapped him hard on his face...
How dare he?

He was shocked... He looked at me and guess what, this was the time I felt that I fucked up...
His eyes turned red and he was looking horrible... If eyes could kill and I would be 8 feet under the earth

I wished that Earth swallowed me now otherwise God knows what will happen to me.....

He grabbed my wrist tightly with a jerk and grabbed my chin...

"Mistake after mistake, but don't worry I'll teach you how to obey me"
He shouted in absolute anger..

I was praying for my life... For my dignity by now...

" me "
I managed to say

He ordered

"Huh? " I looked at him

This is the last chance otherwise.. "
He was about to complete his sentence but before that

I kneeled in front of him..... I know that I can't do anything now and I'm scared to death by his eyes

"Forg... ive me ple..ase
I'm so..rry"
I joined my hands while kneeling

He pulled me towards him by grabbing my hairs, I shouted in pain but he ignored me....
Our faces are just inches apart by now
And I'm crying mess

He asked again

I looked around where I threw it but I'm unable to search it.........

"I'm s..orry si..r
I don't know..ow "
I said while crying

He said

I looked at him in confusion

He warned

I immediately started searching for it... This man is very dangerous... He can do anything...
I agree that Herry was terrifying but he... He is 10 times more dangerous than him... I'm really regretting for slapping him...
I'm searching it but it is no where to be found
My tears are not stopping and it became worse when I start Hicupping.....

He was stared at me while keeping his hands in his pocket

He said

My heart scattered into pieces
Now what? What will he do?

He came closer to me and grabbed my arm to make me stand.... I dare not to look into his eyes by ... I was Continuously Hiccuping now..

Suddenly, he left my arm, I signed in relief but by his next move made me scared to death......

He ordered


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