Chapter 14

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I looked at her sleeping figure and she is looking like an angel
What the hell I'm thinking?
She is a whore

But I don't know what's happening with me, I'm unable to control myself
I slowly went near her and caressed her hair which was falling on her face
She did a little movement and opened her eyes While blinking several times

"You... " She immediately stood up from there after seeing me beside her

"I'm.. I'm sorry sir
I.. I don't know when I slept here"
She said almost whispering

"It's okay
Have your dinner and medicine after that"
I said and maintaining my coldness stood up from there

She walked towards the door and I noticed her situation
She was taking very small steps like kids and with one hand she was holding her injured hand
I was unable to bear and picked her up in bridal style

She flinched suddenly

"I'm bringing your dinner here, you can sleep here for today" I said

"No... It's okay sir
I.. I'll manage
I can't sleep here" She said

I put her on bed and without saying anything, I left from the room to bring dinner

I came back after arranging meal in plate, she was sitting in the same position in which I left her

"Eat and remember to take medicine
Here is the water" I said

She nodded and started eating peacefully

I went on other side of the bed and started using my mobile

"Thank you so much sir" She said

I nodded simply
But some questions were disturbing me so I thought to ask once

"Why you didn't told me the truth? "
I asked

She didn't said anything and looked at me

"About your burnt hand" I stated

"Uhh.... I told you the tr..uth"
She said but this time she didn't looked in my eyes

I thought to let her finish her dinner first after that, I'll talk to her

Why she is not showing her real personality? The information that I asked about her before the wedding was absolutely opposite to her current personality?
Is she doing this to gain our trust?
Or is just preparing to betray?

I went out of the room and started recording of  CCTV in camera room from morning
She is cleaning by now so I turned the speed in 2x
I skipped again and again, and saw her cleaning, she is cleaning  continuously from last 4 hrs.

I saw Harold behind her, I didn't skipped there, he said something and she nodded
After that, both went in kitchen
I opened the CCTV of the kitchen on full screen
And saw Harold burning her hand, she was trying to snatch her hand and was crying...... Then, for about 40 min. She cried there in the kitchen

So, Harold wasn't lying, he was the one who burnt her hand

I'm feeling like killing Harold but why? I'm also a heartless man who kills people brutally, but why do I feel pity on our enemy's daughter ?

I skipped more to see her working again
What? Is she stupid or what?
How can she work in such condition?

She is crying continuously and working

Well, now I'm thinking that what's her fault actually
Just that, she is the daughter of our enemy or that she enjoyed a good fu*k with several rich brats before our marriage?
Am I showing mercy?
No, I can't
But whenever I saw that face, I'm unable to control myself

I stood up and went inside my room, she was sitting at the edge of my bed and in deep thoughts

"Dinner done? " I asked

She flinched and looked at me

"Yes.. Sir
Thank you so much for helpin..g me
I.. I was waiting for you to thank you
Now, I'm going in my room"
She said

"Sleep here" I said

"But.. Sir"

I shouted

Without arguing further, she went to sleep

"Harold burnt your hand today, right? "
I said

She panicked immediately

"Uhh... No.. No sir it's...uhh"
She tried to lie again

"TRUTH" I warned

"Yes.. He.. He burnt my hand"
She finally said the truth while ignoring my gaze

"What did you do? " I asked

"I.. I just told him to wait for pasta but I.. Yelled a little and he... He got offended"

I nodded in response

"Thank you sir" She again said

How many times will she thank me today?

"Don't be serious.. I just helped you because of grandma
Otherwise she'll scold me"
I said

She nodded

"Now sleep and no need to work for 1 week from tomorrow, if someone say anything then without arguing with them just tell me immediately
You have my no. Right? " I asked

She nodded

" Good.... And remember, you're just a maid here
I'm doing everything just for grandmaa and for my reputation
I don't want people to see our marriage like this" I cleared myself

She again nodded

"Sleep here today, I'll sleep on couch"
I suggest

"Thank you sir"
She said

Is 'sorry' and 'thank you' are mantra for her or what?
I thought

Anyways, I went in balcony to get some fresh said and by then, she slept

I looked at her once more and went to sleep...


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