Chapter 30

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Yesterday many of you commented that chapter was short 😭😭
I can understand your curiosity guys but actually my exams are going on😅so please just cooperate a little with me as I'm a student as well😕😕

We went to shopping, Adler was with me and his mom was busy with the branded stuff
To be honest, I'm from a middle class family so I'm not habitual of these luxurious or branded dresses
Why we should waste this much amount on clothes?
If Adler was not with me then definitely this women will drive me crazy

"Honey, try this dress once"
His mom called me, this is the 10th time she is buttering me up to try dresses

And I don't have any option so I picked that up and went inside the changing room

This is just fine but our Sarojini nagar in Delhi have much better dresses than this and specially, at affordable prices

I went outside to show them

"BEAUTIFUL" She screamed

"Yeah sister you're looking gorgeous"
Adler said

I nodded and went to change quickly , I don't want to gain unnecessary attention here

We've many guards around us, only me and his mom are female here, other mall's staff and guards all are male, I hate when they scanned me from top to bottom
I tried to pass a deadful glare sometimes but it was of no use so I simply stick to Adler

Even if he is younger than Adrian but his physique is well-build
The thing I like most about this guy is that he respects me
He even know now that I'm younger than him in age but still he call me sister or sister in law or sometimes kiddo
He gave me brotherly vibes
I love him so muchhhh....

"Aren't you purchasing anything? "
Adler asked

"NO" I replied

"Why? "

"I don't like anything here" I replied

"Should we go to another mall? "
He asked

"No, it's.... It's fine
I don't want anything
I just want to rest"
I said while giving a weird smile to him

"For God sake, shut up!!!!
You wake up so late today and still, you want to rest?
You're such a PIG" He shouted

"Ahhhhh..... Please don't call me like that"
I groaned

"Potato" He murmured

I made a sad face with a small pout

He patted my head slowly

"Are you missing your family? " He asked

I looked at him blankly

"Yes alot" I murmured

"We'll take you there soon, don't worry"
He said making me nod my head

"Really? " I asked.

"Yes definitely, I promise"

"Pinky promise? " I asked

"Such a KID, okay fine, pinky promise"
And we joined our fingers for promise

I rested my head on his lap and he keep caressing my hair
While his mom was still busy in shopping

Suddenly we heard a gun shot, I flinched and got up to see what's happening here?

Only to find ADRIAN
He is holding a gun and taking long steps inside
Why is he holding a gun in his hand?
What is he doing here?

He is looking so damn angry.... Finally, his gaze shifted towards us
He made a eye contact with me and then shouted

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