Chapter 11

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Finally it's my wedding day
Yes, you heard it right
Today is my wedding with that devil

Adrian is mafia king now and
My so-called parents explained every single thing to me to be careful, During these days I learn a little Turkish as well , they made excuses that I studied medicine from England so I'm weak in Turkish culture and obviously, this fake medical degree is with me because of their money..

Right now, I'm getting ready for the worst day of my life

Right now, I'm getting ready for the worst day of my life "MY WEDDING DAY"

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Wedding Stage:

I'm walking straight with my stepfather and here he is standing in front of me, glaring at me
I'm so nervous and want to cry my heart out
I was literally shivering but my step dad pinched my hand hard and I came back to my senses

He gave my hand to Adrian and he kissed my hand.....

After that we took our vows and the priest told us to kiss the bride

Who is bride? Am I bride? No.... I'm a prisoner... And nothing else

Adrian grabbed me tightly by waist and kissed me brutally and that's how I lost my first kiss to a criminal with pain
My hopes broken into millions of pieces... I'm half dead

People congratulated us one by one...
We had food together and my fake family showed their fake concern

And now, I'm sitting next to Adrian in his car...

I was looking outside suddenly he grabbed my thighs, I looked at him with no hopes..... And he smirked


I again looked outside and thank god, this time he didn't said anything....

After about 1 hour, we reached in front of  a beautiful mansion...
I managed to come out from the car with very difficulty because of my dress and to be expected, he didn't help me... Leave it.. Even I don't want his help

And here comes a sweetheart, Adrian's Grandmother
She is such a sweetheart
I love her...... She always care about me instead of giving me useless gazez like other family members...
She hugged me and cupped my cheeks

"My beautiful granddaughter" She said and I smiled

"Go and have rest... You must be tired" She said and I nodded

Servants took my upstairs and here I'm in front of a big room, I went inside only to see Darkness
Everything here is of black colour.... It's disgusting.... Such a devil's room.. No doubt
They showed me the closet where everything was already placed and I asked them to leave...

I finally changed into a comfortable night dress (pajamas) and went downstairs
When I was going down stairs, I saw the devil.. ADRIAN...
I ignored him and took my step

"Where are you going, my slut? " He said while smirking

I closed in eyes in anger but I can do nothing instead of giving replies

"To find grandma" I replied

He nodded and went upstairs

I went down and ask maids for her room, they showed me her room and I knocked

She finally open the door and smiled brightly at me...

"Come my angel" She saud

And I want to cry after hearing her words

"Aren't you tired? " She said

"I'm good...
I just want to spend sometime with you"
I replied

"But it's your wedding night, dear
You and Adrian.... "
I cut her off

"No, we're not that close.... " I said

" Hahaa.... These youngster nowadays don't worry you both will become an example of true love one day" She said

In your dreams grandma, I thought
And gave her a fake smile

"Grandma..... Why everyone hates me here? " I asked

"Ohh my child... Nobody hates you... Who told you that rubbish? " She asked

"I just saw in their eyes.... Something is wrong" I said

"Maybe it's because of our past rivalry... But don't worry everything will be fine, Mahadev is here for you and if anyone bully my daughter in future and told me at once, I'll scold them, okay? " She said

"Mahadev???? Do you know him? How? " I asked

She laughed while caressing my head.

"Actually... It's a God name in my country" She replied

"Huh? Where are you from? " I asked

"INDIA" She replied

"What??????? Really? But you're not looking like an Indian... Do you know Hindi.... I.. "
I was about to tell her everything but thank god, I remembered everything and stopped there

"Yeah of course I know Hindi, I'm from Rajasthan
You have knowledge about India?
Do you have any friend from India? "
She asked

"Uhh... Yeah.. My.. My best friend is from India.. She met me when I was in England... So, I know a little
She is... She is from Haryana"
I replied

"Ohh.... Neighbouring state... Great
Me and your grandpa met in India... He came there for work and we met, then we get married and I shifted permanently here with him.....
After our marriage, I hardly visited there for 5-6 times" She replied

And I was like "awwww"

That's why.. Our vibes matched at first sight, I thought

"Grandma... I want to sleep here in your lap... Please" I said

"Sure.... Sleep mere bcche" She replied

I layed on her lap and she caressed my head.... Motherly touch.... I want that from last few weeks...... She kept caressing and I slept in her lap like a kid..


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