Party Poison

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This is genuinely a creepy place. I looked over at Amethyst who was concentrating on the single crack in the wall, "I feel like we've been here forever." Amethyst mumbled as she crossed her legs, "Its only cause you're anxious, try to relax baby it'll all be over soon." "Do you promise everything will be okay?" She asked, I put my arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple. "I promise babe." I said before kissing her cheek gently, she closed her eyes and signed contentedly. "Way, Amethyst Way." A girl begins a glass window announced, "I'll see you in a bit." I whispered, she kissed me hard on the lips and brushed her fingers against my cheek. "Go baby, it'll be okay. " She just stood there staring at the door to the operating room. "Ame, you don't have to do this. " "N-No I do..." She mumbled fidgeting with her fingers, "Its whatever you want baby." I said taking one of her hands and kissing it gently. She walked away, the tension in her back was so apparent it broke my heart. This was all brought on by that asshole. I shook my head and closed my eyes, I finally have her back. I have my Amethyst back. This girl I lost so freely and fought so hard to get back and this is it I have her back, she's mine. I smiled gently and covered my face to let out a chuckle. I opened my eyes to a few pregnant women staring at me, I bit my lip as to not laugh. They probably think I'm fucking crazy. I looked down into my lap trying to collect myself. As i finally began to calm down my phone started ringing, I looked at the caller I.d 'Gerard', oh that's just perfect. What am o gunna say, Hey Ger me and Ame are doing great just chilling. a clinic. I walked out of the place and answered the phone. "Hello?" I asked into the phone. "Where's my daughter? " Gerard asked, "Who?" I asked quietly, "Don't play stupid where are you two? She's with you but you aren't on set so where are you Frank?" "Where?" I squeaked putting the phone between my shoulder and ear to itch my arm where my grandfather's tribute tattoo is. I don't know what to tell him, "Tell me Frank, I don't want to play this game with you." "Ger list-" "Look, this may be your girlfriend but she is first and foremost my daughter so where is she?!" Oh man, he's really upset. "We're at a clinic." I whispered. "Speak up, a what?" I cleared my throat, "A clinic." "Why are you guys at a clinic? " I groaned, "Amethyst wanted to come here and I wanted her to have peace of mind." "But in the middle of our shoot? Frank c'mon." I smiled, "I was just incredibly excited and I didn't really care about that. I'm sorry." Gerard chuckled gently, "Well its good to see that you still care for my girl. I'll just see you later okay?" Gerard said quickly, "Wait so do you need me to come back to set?" I asked, "Nah I'll figure something out. Spend some time with Ame, she's been really depressed lately. Just do what you can for her." "I will, you know i will." "Later Frank." "Bye Gerard." I said gently, I hung up and jumped around a bit. Okay Gerard is calm so I should be calm. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Be calm, just be calm, Amethyst is fine, I'm fine, and our relationship is fine. I slumped down on the wall away from the building and inhaled some of my cigarette. I closed my eyes and smiled thinking about Amethyst and I's first kiss in the tour bus. A door slammed open in a hurry. "FRANKIE?! FRANK?!" I jumped up quickly

The Kids From Yesterday; Frank Iero;My Chemical RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now