Headfirst For Halos

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I sat next to Frank, he smiled, "Are you tired it's late." "Nah Frank, I'm not." I said putting my head on his shoulder, "Amethyst I'm nervous..." I looked up at him as he rubbed my back, "Why?" "What if people find out?!" he whispered, "Frank no one will we'll be alright." he took out a cigarette, I kissed him lightly, he smiled into the kiss, "Better?" I asked, "N-Not yet." he mumbled pulling he in for another kiss, I separated from him to breathe, he lit his cigarette, I heard shuffling from the back I jumped up and ran to the coffee maker, "What?" Frank asked, I put my finger to my lips, my dad emerged scratching the top of his head, serious fucking bedhead. "I heard noises. Amethyst Way what are you doing up this late?" he asked, "To much shit on my mind." I said waving my hand, I took a drag of my cigarette and sat across from Frank, he shifted awkwardly as dad sat next to him, "Frank why are you so tense dude? Chill out" Gerard said taking my cigarette and taking a drag, "How do you feel?" Dad asked, "I'm feeling better..." "Ame...promise me you won't hurt yourself again, you're perfect." Gerard said, I looked at Frank who nodded in agreement with dad then winked at me and bit his lip making me blush, "I promise." I said finishing my cigarette, "Frank you have red lipstick on your lip?" Gerard said confsued, I turned around and wiped my mouth, how could I be so stupid?! I turned to them again holding the napkin behind my back, "Amethyst...weren't you wearing lipstick?" A nervous giggle escaped my lips, "No dad, but.

.I did apply lipstick on Frank while he took a nap." I said smoothly, I wondered if that was going to be enough to get dad off my back, he laughed and I breathed a sigh of relief, "Well I'm gunna head back to bed." Gerard said, he kissed my cheek and walked back to his bunk, I looked at Frank who fell asleep on the couch, I kissed his forehead and put a blanket on him, I sat down on the couch across from him and watched him sleep.

~Mikey's P.o.V~

I peaked out of bunk and shifted Amy's head on my chest to look out at the front of the bus, it was pretty dark, but I could see sillohettes, I saw my niece kiss a forehead, maybe my mind is playing tricks on me, and with that, I fell back to sleep, my head still stuck out the bunk.

~Amethyst's P.o.V~

I sat there staring at Frank for a while before my head incoherently looked at a bottle of Merlot sitting on the counted basically taunting me, I knew that being a drunk would run in the family and depression ran in this family as well, a small glass wouldn't hurt right? I got up and cracked the top of the bottle before pouring myself a nice glass of the chilled dark liqour, I took a sip and stared at Frank some more, he looked so peaceful just resting there, I downed the last bit and poured more for myself, "Lovely." I mumbled happily, I drank some more and just sat there thinking about my life, with Frank...things could get better, I could be happy finally, someone to care for me, protect me in private, then I frowned, private, always private... I'm 16... I can't expect very much, the bus came to a stop, "We're here." the bus driver said smiling, I nodded, I looked at the clock, 5:32. I sighed it's so early, I took another glass, I was aware and thats all, see! I wasn't drunk. I bet some very lovely fans were waiting for my dad outside the venue, I opened the door and there they were smiling at me, many were asleep but many were happy to see me, "You're Gerard's daughter." A girl squealed, I nodded, "Can I have your autograph?" A boy asked, I shrugged and signed his shirt, "Do you want to uhmm grab a cup of coffee?" I asked, he pushed his black bangs from his face, "Yeah!" he said, I started walking down the street, "AMETHYST!" I turned around to see Frank pissed, "HEY!" he yelled running to me, he pulled me away from the boy, the sun started to rise, "What the fuck are you doing?" he hissed in my ear, "Uhm...going to get coffee?" I asked, "Do you understand you can't go alone?" he asked folding his arms, "N-No." "You're Frank Iero!" the boy said happily, Frank gave him a polite smile, "Excuse us." Frank said pulling me away, he pulled me into a secluded part in the streets, "You been drinking?" Frank asked, I nodded, "Do you understand your drunk?" he asked smiling, I shook my head, "Baby, you're drunk." he whispered, where was this heading? Was I drunk? I pondered a second, he kissed the worry lines on my forehead, "I'm not drunk." I said confused, "You drank a whole bottle of wine." he said kissing along my jaw line, "F-Frank." I hissed, "Yes?" he asked kissing down my neck, "We're in an alley in god knows where what the fuck are you doing?" I asked, "You're so beautiful." he said kissing my cheek, "Did you-" he silenced me by kissing me hard, "FRANK WHERE ARE YOU!" I heard dad yell, I giggled lightly, "Wanna go grab that coffee?" Frank asked, I nodded and bit my lip, he smiled, "I can't wait much longer." Frank said as we walked toward a Starbucks, "Wait for what?" I asked, he grinned, "You'll see when your ready." he said running his fingers through my hair, I have no idea what that means, Gerard walked up behind me and put my arm around my shoulder, "Coffee?" he asked, I nodded happily, "Frank I'm suprised to see you up." Dad said, "Yeah me too." Frank mumbled, "I'm gunna go use the restroom." dad said walking away, me and Frank sat down and waited for him, I stared at Frank and smiled, "You're so beautiful." he whispered over the table making me blush, a hand slammed onto the table and me and Frank looked up to Uncle Mikey, "We need to fucking talk." he said running a hand through his hair, "About what?" I asked, "You know exactly what!" ....FUCK



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