Demolition Lovers

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Frank coughed awkwardly and went back to the videogame, he made little to no eye contact with me as the guys came back, "I have for you Donna my dear! A Columbian roast with a fucking ridiculous amounts of sugar and milk." Aunt Amy said smiling, "Yay!" I said happily, "Frank?" Dad asked, Frank jumped lightly, "Dude whats wrong?" Frank shrugged and looked at me quickly.

~2 A.M~

Frank and I haven't talked all day. Its fucking awkward. He and I were the only ones up. "Frank." I whispered, he looked up from his phone, "Hmm?" he asked, "We about before." I said, "Nothing happened." he said nonchalantly, "Frank..

" "Nothing fucking happened...." he snapped, I frowned, he sighed and then looked up, "We kissed okay but that's it. Harmless." "Unemotional kiss?" I asked quietly, "Yeah..." "It didn't seem unemotional." I said, he sighed and threw his phone on the couch and stood up,"What would you like me to say Amethyst? You're 16, do I maybe have emotions for you? Maybe so, I'm confused, its illegal and wrong." He sat down next to me. He leant in so our faces were slightly apart, "Donna... we cannot do anything." he whispered, his sweet breath hit my face gently, "No?" I asked, he shook his head, "Then why are you so close to me?" I asked, "I'm trying to prove a point." he whispered, "And that is?" I asked raising an eyebrow, "That nothing can happen between us." he whispered back, he leant in a kissed me lightly, it wasn't me this time. I kissed back and Frank gripped my hips, I groaned against his lips, "Achem." Someone said clearing their throat, I pulled off Frank and blushed deeply, "Wow..." Aunt Amy?? "Amy!" Frank said getting up, "That was...." Aunt Amy started to say, "Nothing happened!" Frank said, "Oh...that was nothing alright." Amy mumbled, she sat down across from us, "Sit Frank." he did as told, "Amy...I..." "Iero shut up I'm about to talk." Aunt Amy said, he nodded, "My niece, my favourite niece has just been caught with a 46 yeah old, thats fucking jarring, but love is love." "Oh no I don't love Frank." I said quickly, "Don't lie." Aunt Amy said quietly, "Frank she's 16. Okay? You're free to be who you are, do what you want, but if you hurt my niece. I'll fucking kill you...goodnight." Aunt Amy said walking back to the bunk she shared with Uncle Mikey, Frank looked at me, "Did that just happen?" he asked, "You kissed me first Frankie." I said looking down, "You're 16!" he whined sulking, "Yes." I said simply lighting a cigarette, "You don't love me right?" he asked I looked at him, "Do you love me?" I asked skeptically, "Well...yeah I mean you've always been there. I do love you...yeah." Thats not the answer I was expecting... oh boy. "Well I love you too." I said quietly, "What does this mean?" he asked, "I don't know!" I squeaked, "Do we just leave it as is? Or do we...become a unit?" I laughed, a unit. "I would love to be with you." I said truthfully, "Me too! But...there are a ton of things to think about! I mean, my daughters, your father I-" I cut him off with a soft kiss, "Frankie...shut up... no one has to know." he nodded against my lips. I pray to God all this shit works out.

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