The Kids From Yesterday; Frank Iero;My Chemical Romance

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"Donna...." my dad said nudging me, "Donna wake up we have to go." I groaned in protest, my mom walked in, I heard her heavy combat boots stop at the door frame, "Amythest Donna Way. Get up." "Okay." I said shooting up, "well was that so fucking hard?" my dad askee, "No dad." I mumbled as he hit me with a pillow, if you were wondering, which you might be I'm Gerard and Lindsey's daughter, Gerard being the ever protective fatherr, Lindsey being the loving caring mom. I was the youngest. So Bandit who was older than me got all of the attention...bummer. Although my dad knew I smoke cigarettes, hell, he bought me my cigarettes, he let me smoke cigarettes with his band and Uncle Mikey. Speaking of band, I was going on tour with my dad's band, Gerard made me a promise that if I passed Junior year I could take Senior year off and travel with him while he was on tour, of course my lazy ass buckled dowm and made this shit happen. My best friends Cherry and Lily lived in NJ with their dad, me and their dad had a fucking epic relationship, Frank Iero was my best friend, at 46 years old. He was so amazing and down to earth. He- Gerard pulled me back to reality by waving his hand in front of my face, "Yeah?" I asked looking up, "I know it takes you forever to get ready so I woke you up and hour and a half earlier." "Thanks." I said getting up to get into the shower. I let the hot water bathe my back all I kept thinking about was how tour was going to be . My dad stayed in the buisness since Bandit was born and even before then. He kept getting new fans even when his original fan base got older. I conditioned my hair only because I just dyed my hair pink and black. "D?!" Bandit called walking into the bathroom. I sighed...she was so much taller than me..she even had bigger boobs than me. She made me feel so inferior, when she was my age she was 5'6 and had 34B boobs, I'm stuck at 5'1 and 34A. "Yeah B?" "Can I borrow your straightener? I have a date with Blac." Of course she did! I rolled my eyes, I can't help but be jealous of her. She's dating one of the sexiest guys to hit the market, He was Andy Biersack's son. Looked just like him. "Yeah sure top drawer." I said in a tone harsher than I wanted. Bandit had a few tattoos but since I was more self concious and more into art, I had more. I have so many I can't count them all. "Thanks!" She said happily, "Yup." I popped the P- loudly as it left my mouth, I shut off the water and closed the door feeling a breeze as I exited the shower. I wiped my mirror of the minor fog to see myself, "God you are so...ugly." I said staring at my reflection, I brushed my teeth and wiped my face before applying black eyeliner. I looked through my drawers and blow dried my hair. I walked over to my closet after my hair was dry, not much in my closet considering all my clothes were in my suitcase which Dad took downstairs. I picked out black skinny and a white tank top woth black paint splashed on it. I also put on my black 4inch heeled boots. Bandit walked in, "Ohhh sassy!" She said handing me my straightener, 'Still, you look better looking than me' I thought to myself, "Thanks." I mumbled plugging in my straightener, it was so fucking hard to straighten all these layers on my head, "Wanna go out for a smoke?" "After I tease my hair." "Sewwww scene, I'm going to make coffee." Bandit said with a lisp, "FUCK! OFF! ABOUT MY HAIR...and okay on the liquid drug." She snorted then walked away, I put a white bow in my hair and sighed, "Nothing could make me look better." I mumbled to myself, I looked at my bed and picked up my leather jacket, I grabbed my cigarettes off the dresser and walked downstairs, Gerard looked up from the table, "Awh baby you look so grown up! Go take those shoes off." He said, "They're boots dad...annnnd no." I said as Bandit handed me coffee in a to-go cup. Dad rolled his eyes, he picked up his phone as Ace's High played, "Hey Frank... 10 minutes? See you soon man." "I'm going out for cigarette." I said, Dad and Bandit followed, I lit my cigarette stepping out the door. "Bandit no parties while I'm gone." Dad said, "I know..and besides mom will be here." "Yeah, but she doesn't give a fuck." He said taking a sip of his coffee, "That's cause you're her favourite." I mumbled under my breath before taking a drag of my cigarette. The tour bus pulled up, Uncle Mikey hopped out and all but ran to me, "Donna! You got so big! Look at those shoes!" He said happily, "I told her to take those off." Dad said, "Lighten up hard ass." Frank said walking over to me, "FRANKIE!" I squealed starting to run towards him and...I tripped, he caught me just in time, "Becareful Klutz." he said hugging me tightly, "I missed you." he said rubbing my back, he let go and gave dad a manly hug, I was there for Frank as he went through his divorce even though I'm only 16. He got custody of only Cherry, she was pretty down but Amethyst Donna Way can get anyone cheered up, Frank picked up my bags, "No Frank I got 'em." I said, he turned to me, "You can't even walk straight, no way." I muttered all the way to the bus, "Aren't you going to say goodbye to Bandit?" Dad asked, "Oh

..bye." I said nonchalantly, she waved as Blac pulled up in his Mercades. I sat down on the couch in the front of the bus for a quick second then I went to put my suitcases near the bunk, "You okay?" Frank asked, I sighed and looked down, "Yeah..." "Don't lie." he said putting his hand on my shoulder, "What is it?" he asked softly, I threw my bag fiercely in the bunk, "Why is she better than me?" I asked, "Who D? Who?" he asked sitting in my bunk, God, he didn't look a day over 22,he has his hair short and his nose pierced again, "My sister." I said slumping down next to him, "She's not better than you." he said matter-of-factly, "But Frank she so is, no matter how much make up I put on, I never look as good." "You look better." "I don't have a famous beau that buys me everything." "She's probably putting out." he said shrugging, he kissed my cheek, "You're beautiful Amethyst, to me." he said and walked to the front of the bus, I rolled my eyes, "I'm not fucking beautiful."

~Frank's P.o.V~

Did I just kiss a 16 year olds cheek?! "Is D okay?" Gerard asked worried, "Yeah she's fine she just needed someone to talk too." "Hey Frankie, I really appreciate you being there for Ame, I honestly appreciate it." I sat down, "She's amazing Ger...a great person." Gerard looked at me and grunted confused, I scratched the back of my neck. I heard a whimper from the bunk. The rest of the guys were in excited conversations, I walked to the back of the bus, I peaked into Donna's bunk, her arm was freshly cut, blood streamed down her arm, agony filled me. "D." I whispered, she lookes up quickly and pulled her sleeve down and winced, I jumped into her bunk, I pulled her sleeve up gently, "Why?" I asked, I could smell alcohol on her breath as she opened her mouth to say something, "Have you been drinking?!" She pulled out a bottle of Jack, "Where the fuck did you get that?! Nevermind that. Why did you do this to yourself?!" I asked caressing the top of her hand, "Bandit i-is so much better th-than me, I don't get it. Even...even my parents like my sister better." She yelled, "Donna, you're drunk... you're talking extremely loud." She jumped out of the bunk stumbling a bit, "Donna!" I hissed, she staggered to the front, "Wh-Why do you like Bandit more than me?" she slurred, "Are you drunk?!" Gerard yelled standing up, he saw the cut down her arm, "The fuck!" he yelled, then she passed out, "AMETHYST!" I yelled.

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