For Frank

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I stepped back and narrowed my eyes. "What the fuck did you just say to me?" Amethyst stared at her feet again. "Frank..." "That's my fucking son. Okay?" Silence. Amethyst just laid her head back and stared at the ceiling. I started pacing. How dare she fucking say that's not my kid. I've been there since they very fucking beginning. I turned and punched the wall. "Frank." Amethyst whispered. "NO!" I yelled before taking a seat on the far side of the room. I put my sneakers on my knee sideways and stared at Ame. She stared at me impassively. "I have been there from the fucking start. I fucked you with that baby in your stomach. That's my fucking kid!" I yelled. "Lower your voice." She said quietly looking towards the door. I got up and slammed the door shut and locked it. "Now there's no need to be quiet." I said walking over to her bedside. "He doesn't look like you." She said looking at the tube in her hand. "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!" I yelled, she flinched and looked back at the door as Gerard knocked gently. "WAIT!" I yelled to him. He looked at me wide eyed. I've never been so angry. I've never seen so much red in my life. "I'm sorry." Amethyst said. "Do you not get how much I love both you and him?" I asked putting my hands over my face. Don't you dare fucking cry. "I know... I'm sorry." "My name is going on that birth certificate." I pointed at her. She shrugged and looked down. "I'm not fucking doing this shit." I hissed walking to the door, I unlocked it and threw the door open causing the handle to make a hole in the wall. Gerard stood there open mouthed not saying a word. "Talk some sense into your fucking daughter." I said through gritted teeth before storming off.

As I closed the door to the car I slammed my hands on the steering wheel before finally breaking down and crying my fucking eyes out.

Amethyst's P.o.V

"What just happened?" My dad asked sitting down across from me. "That's not his kid. I don't know what to do..." "Oh Amethyst...stop." He said before taking a sip of his coffee. "Mommy?" The nurse asked peaking in, my head snapped up immediately. "Baby is hungry. Should I bring him in or give him a bottle?" "Bring him in please." I said with a small smile. I get to see my baby again

There's always such an untold, strong bond between mother and child. My mother told me this but I never seemed to grasp it until now. As she brought him in the room filled with his cries. My dad got up and walked over to me as the baby was handed to me. "He looks just like you...thank God." Dad said quietly. I looked up at him and wiped some tears off of the baby's face. "Dad um...can you turn around I have to um...feed him." "Oh right." He turned around and I untied the smock and brought him to my breast. As he quieted Dad turned back around. "What's my grandsons name?" I stared at the baby. "Its Frank." I whispered. "What's the problem with letting Frank be the dad?" I watched as Frank fed. "I just.. I feel like I'm burdening him with the baby, when I was just pregnant it didn't matter, he wasn't here yet and now that he is I...." I was at a loss for words. "Frank loves you and him probably more than life itself. He's so happy about the fact that he gets to be a dad again and that Little Frank is here." I bit my lip pulling off some skin thinking. "Seriously. He loves both of you so much. I'd hate to see you screw this up." I narrowed my eyes at dad. "That came out wrong. I just mean...he's Frank's son. He's been there since the very beginning." He has... I just don't want us to be a burden... "Yeah..." I whispered. Little Frankie started to fall asleep. "Dad can you take him for a second." l asked watching Frankie's eyelids shut. Dad nodded happily and set down his coffee and picked Frankie up gently holding his head up. I tied up my smock dress and smiled as Dad stared at Frankie. He started to cry and I blushed looking at them. "I remember when I first held you." Dad whispered wiping his tears on his shoulder. "Oh no. Not one of these stories." I said with a laugh. "I knew instantly all the amazing things you would accomplish and how loved you would be by the world." He whispered sitting down rocking Frankie. "Mommy?" I looked up and saw my mom standing there with a pink teddy bear. "Its a boy." Gerard said with a laugh. Mom went wide eyed. "Right." She said setting down the bear. Her Doc Martins slapped against the floor loudly as she walked over to Frankie. "Oh he looks just like you Amethyst." She said before clearing her throat symbolizing that she was about to cry. I smiled at her, "Can I hold my grandson?" She asked looking at dad. "Wait!" He said pulling Frankie closer. I laughed and shook my head. "Frankie will be here for a long time dad. You can let mom hold him." He huffed and gave Frankie to my mom as she sat down. "He's so greedy." She whispered, dad rolled his eyes and took a sip of his coffee. "You should get some sleep baby, you look tired." Dad kissed my forehead. I nodded and my eyelids instantly grew heavy.

"Mommy?" My eyelids fluttered open as the nurse peaked in, Dad and mom were still here but Frankie was in a bassinet sleeping, they were talking quietly, "Yes?" I asked gently, "I'm going to need you to sign the birth certificate if that's okay." She said holding up the paper and a pen. I nodded and she entered the room. "Just have to put your name, the daddy's name and all that fun stuff." She said leaving me to it. I signed my name and looked up at my dad. He was staring intensely at me, he nodded at me and I bit my lip. He's right. Frank is the dad. And he always will be. He loves him more than life itself. There's no question about it. I signed his name Frank Anthony Iero Jr. This is for Frank. For me. For little Frankie. For us.


Definitely cried writing this lol. Hope you guys enjoy. It isn't the end. Hope you aren't bored of Framethyst yet!

Vote&Comment. Love you lots!

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