Famous Last Words

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Dad stood by the door with a pretty girl , Frank jumped out the bunk and the girl ran too him and jumped into his arms, "baby!" She squealed, I shut the curtain fast. Frank, what a dick, I should have known he wouldn't want me, I mean why would he, no one does plus I'm so young for him. I jumped out the bunk and Frank froze and looked at me. I smiled lightly at him, "You okay baby?" The girl asked, Frank cleared his throat and sighed, Aunt Amy wrapped me into a hug as I lit my cigarette. I wasn't hurt, I was angry. Furious, fuck him. Fuck any feelings I have for him, fuck the way I feel, its obviously not good enough, and that's fine....just fine! "You okay Ame?" My dad asked, I nodded, "So dad, I'd like to talk to you." I said combing through my hair with my fingers, "Sure baby, anything you'd like." Gerard said stepping out of the bus with me. I think it's time to tell him everything, Frank, my aspirations, what I want to do in life, maybe if I follow my dreams, I can move on from Frank.

"So what do you want to talk about baby?" He asked taking out a cigarette of his own, we walked a little bit just talking, "So dad... I've had something going on with Frank..." I said looking down sheepishly. "you what?!" " I know daddy..." "Did you have sex with him?" Dad asked, I shook my head, "Good, cause that would be disgusting and I would have to fuck him up. But I'm so sorry that girl showed up." "Oh it's okay, I just wanted to talk to you about what I want to do as a career." "As long as you don't say stripper or prostitute I'm pretty much okay with anything but hit me with it babe." Gerard said, "I want to be a make up and special effect's artist." "I support you one hundred percent baby." Dad said smiling, "Aaaaaand I want to leave tour." I said, dad looked down at me surprised, "Wow really? Are you sure you don't want to stay?" "No, I really can't stay, I can't look at him anymore dad. I wanna kill him." "Fair enough." He said taking a drag of his cigarette. "Well they have a really great program in California, I'll get you all set up there okay?" He asked, I nodded, "I don't want to miss school anymore, get my stuff together, become a make up effects artist, get my shit going." "I really love that idea, I think that's brilliant, all the horror movies from when I was a kid I used to be obsessed with the make up, good choice baby girl." Gerard said kissing the top of my head, "Let's get you packed up and ready to leave, the second you leave, I'll call the university set you up to classes." "Thanks daddy." I said, I ran into the bus and saw Frank and the girl sitting on the couch, he looked up at me with sad eyes, I snorted and walked toward my bunk, "Called a cab they're taking you to the university, from the second I called I got you in, cause you know, I'm Gerard way." Dad said, I laughed, "Thank you dad." The cab pulled up alongside the bus, it beeped it's horn once, "Bye guys thanks for housing me!" I yelled, the other guys said their goodbyes, I didn't look at Frank once, I gave Amy a long hug and uncle Mikey a painfully long hug in which he crushed my bones, Dad took my bags out to the cab, "Call me when you get to the university okay baby girl?" I nodded and smiled up at him, "Hey..." He called to me, I looked back opening the cab door, "I love you baby girl." "Love you too daddy!" I said, I got in the cab and the cab driver smiled at me lightly, dad paid the driver up front, dad flung a credit card through the window and smiled, "Don't waste all my money!" He yelled as I drove away making me laugh.

~2 Year's Later~

I sighed and pulled the bald cap onto one of the extras in one of my dad's music videos, yeah my dad HIRED me for a music video, which I couldn't understand because I would have done it for free. I smiled at the girl as I put a blood red wig over her bald cap, "You look beautiful." I said, she smiled and got up, Frank sat in the chair, I sighed, still all this hatred for him, never once could I get over my hate, I tried, believe me I fucking tried but my salvation and the end of the hatred never came. I put foundation on him and started working on the scars he was going to have for the video, he was concentrating on my eyes while I worked on the scar soon to be over his right eyebrow, "Hi." He said childishly, "Hello Frank." I said curtly before going over to the make up kit and getting more dark brown make up, "I missed you." He said shyly, "Yeah? Good for you!" I said fawning happiness, "I'm really sorry Amethyst please forgive me." Frank pleaded moving his eyebrows, "Stay still! And no." I said, he frowned but then remained still, I put dirt on his neck and jaw line, I put a slight bit of charcoal eyeliner on him. "18 huh?" Frank asked, "Not obvious?" I asked with a chilling voice, he sighed and turned his head, "Still!" I repeated, "What are you two?" I muttered going over to my kit again and gathering some gray make up the looked like ash, "I love you." he said making me draw a wrong line across his cheek. I groaned looking at the line and got a make up wipe to take it off, "SHUT UP FRANK!" I hissed, "Don't screw up my concentration." I hissed, he grabbed my left hand which I was applying the make up with, "I love you Amethyst please! I'm sorry." I stared at him until he let my hand go, "No." I said, he started tearing up, "You'll ruin my make up don't be a pussy, I said no Frank you hurt me that's the end of that!" I hissed, he sighed hard and let me finish, he sat still in the chair after I was finished, "Frank, you're done! Go!" I said, he shook his head, "You child! Go!" He leant forward and kissed me hard, I heard my dad cough, "STOP!" I said pushing him off, "But I LOVE YOU!" Frank yelled, "Well Frank I don't love you!" I said angrily pushing him out of the chair, my dad came and sat in the chair next, "I saw him kiss you." "Yeah, ew thanks for not helping me." "you love him too Amethyst." "Dad, no I don't." I said putting a scar along his cheekbone, "Baby girl, just talk to him." "Can you stop?! He's like your best friend you should be happy!" I hissed, he sighed, "He talked to me about it and I understand, you're so beautiful, of course he would want you, just talk to him." "Absolutely fucking not." I said putting eyeliner on my dad. After I was finished I walked out for a cigarette, I felt someone follow me. I sat down against the stone wall, "Leave me alone." I mumbled lighting a cigarette, "No! Please listen." Frank pleaded, "I don't want to hear what you have to say." He sat down next to me, "Frank I mean it." I warned, "I love you." I threw away a good cigarette just to get away from him, "Well I hate you." I spat walking away, he sat there on the ground, putting his forehead to his knees.

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