I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love

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"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" I asked rubbing her knee as we pulled in to the hospital, "for the 30th time Frank Anthony, I'm doing just about as well as any other pregnant bitch in pain!" "Right, right!" I said turning off the car, Amethyst grabbed my hand and closed her eyes, "It's getting worse." She whispered, "Okay baby, okay." She got out of the car andI walked with her to the entrance of the hospital, "Hi, how can I help you." The nurse asked, Amethyst groaned and held on to me, "My fiancee is in labor." I said holding Ame upright, "Okay follow me." "OH FOR CRYING OUT TEARS, HOW MUCH MORE DO I HAVE TO WALK!" Amethyst yelled as she gripped the counter of the nurse's station as another ocntraction passed right through her, "3 minutes apart!" Amethyst said to the nurse, the nurse nodded and rang for the elevator, "Just a few more minutes and you'll be laying down comfortably." The nurse said, "Oh! I reserved a room! The best delievery room, under Iero." I said happily and then groaned as Amethyst crushed my hand in hers, "Ow!" I yelped, "Fuck you and your ows. I have a right to say ow!" She hissed, the nurse giggled and showed us to the room, "Just lay down, relax and the doctor is going to set you all up. Since you're early in delivery it might be due to preeclampsia, which we will have to treat right away." The nurse said helping me lay down, "Frankie!" Amethyst said holding out her hand. I grabbed her hand and pulled the chair to sit down next to her, "I'm scared." She whispered, "Don't be scared baby, I'm right here." "Preeclampsia is bad babe, I read about it, I could have a seizure while giving birth and afterwards and really hurt the baby and myself." "Oh shit." I mumbled, I kissed her hand, "It's okay, it's going to be okay." I reassured her, she bit her lip as another contraction hit her. The nurse ame back in, "I'm going to need you to change into this." The nurse said handing Ame a smock like dress. I helped Amethyst stand and undress, she changed into the dress and laid back down with a huff, "I'm going to stick my hand up to see how dialated you are. Okay?" The nurse asked putting a glove on, "What?!" Amethyst asked, "Just breathe and relax, this can be uncomfortable." She shoved her finger in and Amethyst went wide eyed and looked at me, I shrugged and kissed her hand, "O-Okayyyyy." Amethyst said awkwardly, I chuckled and looked at the nurse, "5 centimeters, you need to be 10 centimeters to push." She said retracting her hand, Ame relaxed and breathed out, "I'm going to put in an IV into your hand just in case you do need to have any medication put into your body." The nurse said taking out a needle, Amethyst stared at it, "That's uhm.. that's big." She murmured, the nurse nodded, "Once its in you wont have to worry about it, I'm going to put the needle in and then put in a little tube and take out the needle but the tube will still be in your hand." The nurse said taking Amethyst's hand, Ame nodded and looked away and squeezed her eyes shut, "Just look at me baby." I whispered, she looked into my eyes and gasped, I looked over at the nurse and she was putting in the tube. "I love you." I said kissing Amethyst, "I love you too." She said, I smiled and rubbed her stomach as another contraction hit her, she yelled this time, "HOLY SHIT!" She yelled, "Oh my God, it's so hot in here!" She said fanning herself, "I'll turn on the air conditioner." The nurse said getting up, as she turned on the air conditioner the doctor came in, "Hey Amethyst! How are you feeling?" Doctor Garver asked, she shrugged, "Oh you know, just in a shit load of pain." Ame said gripping my hand, I kissed her temple, "Hey Frank." I waved slightly, "So are we excited to get this baby out?" Amethyst nodded, Garver looked at Amethyst then put on a glove and pushed her fingers into Ame, Amethyst's breath hitched and she squeezed her eyes out of discomfort. "So as you know the nurse explained that someone that gives birth before the due date can be explained by the fact that they have preeclampsia, preeclampsia is basically a high blood pressure and protein in the urine but it can get as bad as seizures so we're going to try to get the baby out as soon as possible." Garver said, she retracted her hand and looked impressed, "You're really close, almost at 7 1/2 centimeters now. Do you want an epidural?" The doctor asked, Amethyst looked at me, "Uhm, I'm not sure." Amethyst said, "You're crazy." I said with a laugh, Amethyst smiled at me, "Okay, I'll take an epidural." She said as another contraction hit her, "That was a big one." The doctor said looking at the contractions chart. "I'll go get the anesthesiologist." The nurse said walking out. "Everything should be good now, but I'm going to put a bag of medication to treat the high blood pressure okay?" Ame nodded and relaxed, I kissed her gently, "See all of this is going to be just fine."

"10 Centimeters, it's time Amethyst." she nodded and I kissed her hand again, "I love you." She whispered, "I love you too baby." "So I'm going to ask you to take a deep breathe, release it, deep breath and push out okay, and I'll tell you when to push okay?" Garver asked, Amethyst nodded, "Okay here comes a big contraction, push." Amethyst did as told and pushed, her face reddening, "That was really, really good." Garver said rubbing Ame's knee.  I kissed her cheek, she looked at me, "I love you." She whimpered, "I love you too babe." Okay, Amethyst push." She pushed again, "Excellent. The baby is very close." "Okay." Amethyst whispered, "Just a few more pushes." The doctor said, I kissed Amethyst's hand over and over again, "Here we go, push again." Garver said, Amethyst breathed out then breathed in and pushed hard, gritting her teeth, "Okay shoulders are out, one more push." Amethyst pushed once more and the baby was out, the baby's cries echoed throughout the room, "Oh my god!" I mumbled happily, "It's a boy." The doctor said, "Wait..what?!" Me and Amethyst said at the same time.

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