Skylines and Turnstiles

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"Amethyst!" I replied throwing my cigarette down. I walked toward her and she collapsed into my arms sobbing. "Baby! What's wrong!?" I asked holding her up. I brushed her hair with my fingers. She just sobbed against me, "Shhhh calm down." "I coul-couldn't do it!" She cried. I held her tighter to me as she broke down. "I'm sorry!" She said trembling, "You have nothing to be sorry for babe." I said putting my nose into her hair. Amethyst continued to cry and I let her. A few people walked by and stared, some even shook their heads. "Lets go to the car Ame." She dug her face deeper into my chest and then let her grip on me go slightly. We walked slowly towards the car, I looked over at Amethyst and she just looked so sluggish, weak and so so tired. I opened the door for her and she slid in quietly. I shut the door and slinked over to the drivers seat. I shut my door and the tears started to pour from my girlfriends eyes again. I took her hand in mine and put her fingers to my lip. "Frankie I'm s-so sorry!" I shook my head and kissed her fingers. "Don't apologize." I mumbled, I wiped her tears with my thumb, "I screwed everything up." Amethyst said, her voice broke slightly. "No, you didn't baby." "How are we supposed to be together if I'm having someone else's baby!" she yelled, I kissed her hand again, "there are other options baby, like adoption. We could do that babe." I said before tucking some of her hair behind her ear. She looked at me, "How could you even still want me...? " She asked and then looked down. "Because I love you Ame. I'm not leaving you and this isn't your fault, its that assholes fault. We can fix this." She sighed gently. "O-Ok." "Yeah? Does that sound good?" She nodded slightly. Amethyst leaned over and kissed my cheek. I kissed her beautiful lips gently. "Do you want to go home baby?" I asked kissing her temple. She nodded, "Are you asking me to move in with you?" She asked gently before giving a hiccup. I chuckled, "Is that okay with you?" She smiled gently and then gave a nod. "Good, lets go home." I turned over the engine of the car and started to pull out of the parking space. "Can we stop and get ice cream?" Amethyst asked lowering the window and wiping her face. "Sounds good to me." I said putting my hand on her chair and looked out the back window to back the car up. I pulled out of the parking space with ease and grabbed her hand. I kissed her knuckles gently, "Lets go get that ice cream." I held her hand and rubbed my thumb over her hand. "I love you." She said quietly. I looked over to her and smiled widely. "I love you more." I said before grabbing a cigarette and lighting it pulling up to a red light. I inhaled smoke and rolled down my window. "I think I want a double scoop of vanilla ice cream..." Amethyst said looking out the window, "Whatever you want babe." I said smiling as the light turned green.

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