The Only Hope For Me Is You

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~Frank's P.o.V~

I put my face in my hands. Amethyst was so beautiful... I miss her so much.... She completely just blew me off...but she has a good reason, Candy screwed up everything, I can't believe I did that to Ame... but in my defence... I forgot all about Candy. After Amethyst left, I broke up with Candy the next day, much to my dismay I was left without a hand to hold, I still am single, so lonely, I've had offers but all I want is Amethyst and I really can't train my mind off it. Me and Gerard have talked and fought over Ame, but in the end... I won, he gave me consent to have her, but she doesn't even want me, she hates me, when I kissed her, I felt her unemotional lips against mine and that's what killed me most of all, she may hate me but I just can't live without her, I'll fight nail and tooth for her if she would only give in just a little, I brought this upon myself but she won't even give me a chance to fix it, I pulled out a cigarette, Jesus I haven't thought this much in years. An 18 year old I crave for, I'm no longer a paedophile... I'm now a serial stalker...and a serial wisher. Gerard came and sat down next to me, he pulled out a cigarette of his own, we sat in silence for a while, "I'm sorry man, she's so stubborn, trust me I raised her." "Yeah I know she's stubborn but... I honestly miss her." "She's all about her work now, but I'm sure deep down inside she misses you too Frank." Gerard said patting me on the shoulder, "Yeah, I don't." Amethyst said picking up her cigarette from where she dropped it before, "Ame... please, let's just talk. Work things out." I pleaded, she re-lit her cigarette and stared down at me, "Well...this is awkward, I'm just gunna...go." Gerard said getting up then kissing Amethyst's cheek, she stared down at me. "Talk." She said taking a pull of her cigarette.

Her eyes were cold and harsh, and I think I shit my pants a little staring up into them. "I'm sorry." "Yes, you've said that, anything else? Or is this just pointless bullshit to hear my voice?" I cringed a little, I've never seen her so harsh, "I forgot all about Candy when I started hanging out with you and I'm so so sorry I love you so much and I was going to text her to break up right before she came to see me!" Amethyst stared at me for a second, "Yeah... not good enough." She said, "AMETHYST PLEASE!" I yelled, she didn't even flinch, "Please what Frank? You still cheated? On me and on who ever she was, you're not justified because you're apologizing, Frank the hatred I have for you is unending! You wronged me, after sharing with you about how unwanted I felt, you went along and made me feel unwanted!" she spat then took another drag of the cigarette, I sighed, she's right. "Look I know I fucked up, I lost the best thing I ever had even if I only had it for days, Amethyst just give me another chance please!" I begged getting up, she frowned slightly, her eyes were glazed, "I can't give someone I hate another chance..." she whispered more to herself than to me, "Amethyst Donna Way! PLEASE! I can't live my life without you." I begged again stepping closer, she took a step back and took another drag, "I couldn't live my life without you either, while I was at university and I was having difficult times with making plaster casts and creating masks that I almost failed at, I had you're number on my phone and I wanted to call you so badly, but then I remembered you're a dick and I decided to forget that plan, I needed you too, I was on the verge of a breakdown, but I got through it, by myself." she said I watched the smoke exit her mouth with every word she said, I sighed, "I needed you too..." I mumbled, "No, but I got over it, you can't seem to get over this and that's a little troubling for me Frank, I want to move on from you! I need to, you'll just hurt me again, who's you're girlfriend this time? What's her name?" "I don't have a girlfriend Amethyst I've been single for two years... you haven't moved on from me?" "Not the point! I know you have a girlfriend so tell me what's her name." "I wish my girlfriends name would be Amethyst! How about that? Cause I'm not lying I haven't had a relationship or sex in two years and I've been waiting for you." "Oh prince fucking charming." "You aren't going to take my apology are you?" "Well I hate you so probably not." I rolled my eyes, it was frustrating me, I was going to get no where and I knew it. "I give up." I mumbled taking a drag of the cigarette. "Thank you." Amethyst mumbled, "I tried! I fucking tried!" I yelled and then I started crying.

I took a drag my eyes filled to the brim with salty tears, "W-Wait no, don't cry." Amethyst whispered, "I give up okay! HAPPY?! I love you and you don't want me... I'll get over it! Fine! I'll not care! I've waited two years to tell you I'm sorry, I had everything planned out in my head, I would tell you I'm sorry and then we would kiss and be okay, but life never happens like dreams." Mikey peaked out and I looked at him, he went wide eyed and crept away. "Frank, can you not cry." "I'm crying because I love you! HOW COULD YOU NOT POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND I'M SORRY I NEVER MEANT TO HURT YOU, NEVER MEANT TO MAKE YOU ANGRY, I JUST WANTED TO LOVE YOU, I'M SORRY CANDY SCREWED SHIT UP AND I'M SORRY I DIDN'T BREAK UP WITH HER SOONER AMETHYST OKAY!?" I screamed holding my head, the hate in her eyes disappeared and her eyes filled with tears, she ran and hugged me tightly, I cried putting my nose into her hair, "I'M SO SORRY!" I yelled, "Shhhh I'm right here." She mumbled making me giggle lightly, "I don't hate you." She mumbled into my shirt, "I'm so fucking sorry...." I cried again, "It's okay... I'm sorry too." She cried, I smiled into the kiss I placed on top of her head. "You have no idea how much I missed you." I said, she looked up at me with those hazel eyes and dried my tears, "Don't cry. I missed you too." Gerard looked over and ran to us, "GROUP HUG!" He yelled, Amethyst giggled, "You guys okay yet?" He asked, Amethyst shrugged, "Almost, now go away." She said, "Always kicked out." He mumbled making me smile, I dried her cheeks and sighed, "I have a problem..." Amethyst mumbled and I looked at her raising and eyebrow, she lifted her shirt and I went wide eyed.

The Kids From Yesterday; Frank Iero;My Chemical RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now