Hell Hath No Fury (Like A Sister Scorned)

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I put my hand on Amethyst's back, "Just be easy babe." I said, we walked in further and Gerard smiled widely at us, "Engaged?" he whispered in my ear looking at Ame, I nodded, "Congratulations sweetheart!" He said smiling widely at her before hugging her tightly, "Thanks!" She said happily and Lindsey grabbed her for a hug as well, "Amethyst Donna Way in my house. It's been too long, and my grandchild." Lindsey said rubbing Ame's belly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bandit roll her eyes, what the fuck is her problem? I don't get it.

We sat down at dinner and I cleared my throat raising my glass, "To Amethyst, thank you for making me the happiest man on the Earth." I said winking at her, she smiled and played with her ring before kissing my cheek, Bandit snorited and Blac smirked at her. My blood just started boiling, "I'm so happy for you guys, this is amazing." Lindsey said raising her glass, everyone raised their alcohol glasses and Ame frowned raising her iced tea. I laughed and kissed her hand. I saw Bandit stare at Blac and roll her eyes again. I banged my fork on the table, Amethyst did 't notice and started to eat her salad, "Fucker." Bandit mumbled looking at Amethyst and eating her chicken. Amethyst didn't seem to notice or if she did she didn't care. I grit my teeth and chugged the rest of my brandy, Bandit looked over to me and smiled, I narrowed my eyes at her and she raised an eyebrow. She shrugged her shoulders and kept eating, seriously? "So Amethyst hows the make up buisness? Oh wait you aren't doing anything right now." Bandit said refilling her glass. Gerard looked up from his food slowly and raised an eyebrow, "Yeah...I'm kind of preoccupied." She said rubbing her stomach, "Mmm yeah, right..." Bandit said before putting the cup to her mouth and looking at Blac before smiling, Lindsey stopped chewing and just stared. "You okay?" Amethyst asked putting her hand on mine which mindlessly was wrapped tight into a fist around my fork. "Mmm." I mumbled before grabbing her hand. "You should do something you're good at." Bandit said eating more, "Are you saying I'm not good at makeup?" Amethyst asked grabbing her tea, Bandit shrugged, "Bandit!" Lindsey hissed, the vibe was now awkward and drunken and odd. "Just saying." Amethyst looked down at her ring and started fidgeting with it, she sniffed and looked like she was about to cry, I ran my hands over my face and kissed her temple, Blac snorted as Bandit giggled, "Okay, seriously? WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" I yelled slamming the table, Amethyst and Gerard jumped, "Hey man, relax." Blac said, "Hey man, why don't you shut the fuck up because I clearly wasn't fucking talking to you?!" I said standing up, Blac stood up across from me and he grabbed his beer bottle, "Hey, hey, hey!" Gerard yelled standing up, "MY fucking problem is that everything happens to Amethyst, she's doesn't graduate high school but she gets put right to college, she almost fails but the teachers passed her anyway, she gets pregnant like the fucking slut that she is but everything turns out fine, she takes the man who was supposed to be MINE and makes him fall in love with her, EVERYTHING is about Amethyst all the goddamn motherfucking time!" "What?" Me and Blac say at the same time. "I tried so hard to ruin your fucking life, you always played the woe is me card, the I'm not good enough fucking card and I guess that's the right card to play for the guy I planned on getting." She's fucking talking about me, me! What the hell is wrong with this chick?! I grabbed Amethyst's hand, "You know I was so adamant I sent Kingston with my own money to your school to fuck you and get you pregnant." Amethyst blanched, "W-What?" She whispered, "Oh, you fucking heard me bitch!" Bandit said rolling her eyes, "BANDIT LEE WAY!" Lindsey yelled, "Grab your purse babe." I said to Amethyst before kissing her forehead. "Well he wasn't supposed to rape her obviously, it was supposed to be consensual." "How dare you!" Gerard yelled, I heard Amethyst sob and get up, "We're so fucking over." Blac said grabbing his car keys and his leather jacket, "No, Blac please." Bandit begged, "Fuck you, you're a terrible person!" Blac said opening the door for Amethyst, "OH COME ON!" Bandit said standing up, "I did it all for you Frank, so you could be with me and love me." She said grabbing my arm. "You're a nut job." I said grabbing my jacket, "Thanks for dinner, let's do it again sometime." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh Frankie-" "Stop right there Bandit, only my FIANCEE calls me that." "UGH!!!!" She screamed, "You need to check this girl in to a psychiatric ward, Gerard." I said grabbing my keys and walking out of the house.

I looked for Amethyst and she was walking down the block, "Baby!" I yelled running after her. She turned around to me and she sniffled, "Who fucking does that!" She yelled crumbling into my arms as I reached her, "Hey, hey, hey baby, look at me." She looked up with a sniff, "I love you and the baby more than life and you know that, that's my fucking baby, not that other kids, I don't care about what was planned and what wasn't because she's mine." I whispered, she kissed me, "Oh good I'm glad you think that because I just had a contraction." She said gripping me, "Wh-What?!" I asked shocked, "That defintely wasn't a kick that was a contraction." She said walking back to the car. "Just get in the car baby." I knocked violently on Gerard's door, he answered with an angry look in his eye, "Amethyst is having contractions." I said pointing, "Okay, just breathe and relax, and take her to the hospital. We'll come in a few hours." I nodded and ran back to the car and hopped in the drivers seat, "Wow!" Amethyst said gripping my knee, "Bad?" I asked rubbing her stomach, she shook her head, "Not yet." I kissed her, "Hurry up Frank." She said turning the key in the ignition for me, "Right, sorry, here we go." I said putting my foot on the pedal.

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