To The End

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"Just come by the hospital." Gerard said softly through the phone. "That's not my kid why should I help." I said as I signed the contract for Amethyst and I's new house. "Ame is exhausted..and me and Lindsey have to go home." Gerard said. I sighed softly, "I'm on my way." Yes I still bought the house even though I'm fucking livid with Amethyst. "Thanks Josh." I mumble setting down the pen, he nodded while he was on the phone with another client. I started walking towards the door, and turned around, this 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom house was ours. This was the future. I smirked closing the door behind me.

I pulled up to the hospital and waved at the nurse as I stepped in, "Mommy is asleep and so is Frankie." I smirked as she said Frankie, she didn't change his name, "Thanks." I whispered to her as I open up the door. I stood at the end of the bed and smirk leaning against the bar at the end of the bed, Amethyst looked so peaceful. She shifted in her sleep and I walked over to Frankie's bassinet. He whined gently and I smiled, I picked him up gently and sat down watching him sleep. Being a father is the most amazing gift that could ever be stowed upon a man. "Frank?"  Amethyst said quietly rubbing her eyes, I looked up at her, she smiled at me gently, I smiled back against my will. Even though I'm so angry I love her more than anything. "I'm sorry." She whispered gently as I looked back down at him. "That hurt me so much...I've been here since the beginning, you don't get to tell me that he isn't my son." I said as he turns a bit in his sleep. "I know... that was so mean of me. I just didn't want you to feel burdened by us o-" "Don't....even go there." I say holding my finger up to her as I cradle Frankie in a football hold. She nods and looks down. I put him in the bassinet and walk over to Amethyst and sit on the bed next to her, I leaned down and kissed her gently and she ran her fingers through the back of my hair. "You're my forever." I said before laying down next to her. She smiled and intertwines our fingers. "I remember the first time I knew I loved you we were in a hospital room..." I whispered looking down at her fingers before kissing her hand, she smiled. "I loved you since the day I met you." She said giggling, "I mean.. I get why, look at me." She nudged me with her shoulder while laughing. "Everything is just so perfect with you." I whispered, "You're a lucky guy." "fuck yeah I am." I mumble before kissing her again.

We pulled up to the new house with Frankie in his car seat. Amethyst looked at me from the back seat and smirked, "He's asleep now." She said before kissing his forehead. "Yeah I got that when the head splitting noise stopped." I said laughing, she threw a diaper at me and I laughed "Well that's your son." I opened up my door and smiled, "Yeah he is." Amethyst opened up the door and squealed. "Frank!!!!" She yelled, "Baby!" I hissed looking in the car to see if Frankie woke up. I looked up in relief as he didn't wake up. "It's so amazing." She said looking back at me over her shoulder giving me a dreamy look. I laughed and took the car seat out of the car and carried Frankie towards the door. "How do you feel?" I asked as she stopped and grabbed her stomach, "Uhm I'm in a lot of pain." She whispered closing her eyes. "Okay, once we get inside you lay down." I kissed her forehead and looked down at Frankie as I grabbed the keys. Once I opened the door Amethyst gasped, "How did you afford this?" She asks trying to bounce up and down, "Relax and go lay down. That's an order." "Okay bosy..." She mumbled walking down the big hallway. "When did we get baby furniture delivered?" Amethyst called from down the hallway. "Yesterday." I said walking upstairs with the car seat to put Frankie in his bassinet. I set the car seat gently and pick up. I kiss his forehead and lay him down. I stare at him for a minute and sigh before a tears falls, I wipe at it fastly, "My son." I whisper before stepping back and walking away, I lean against the door frame for a second before going downstairs. Amethyst had the t.v on and she was laying down. "Making yourself at home already." I said laughing lifting her legs and sitting down letting her legs go on my lap. "Of course." She said with a smile. "Well good." I say before rubbing her feet. "When are we going to have more kids?" Amethyst asked ripping her eyes away from the television. "After we're married." I said before kissing her knee. She smiled, "Right, I have a wedding to plan." I nod with a giggle and laugh as she slowly goes wide eyed. "Oh my God I have a wedding to plan." She said slowly, "Yes very good baby, you do. We do." I said rubbing her feet more, "Oh my God... OH MY GOD!" She yelled before hitting me and getting up. "Ow! Where are you going!?" "To get my phone, I have a wedding to plan!" She yelled walking into the kitchen. I hear cries coming from upstairs and looked at Amethyst, "He's probably hungry, he ate 4 hours ago. Can you go get him please?" She asked, I nodded happily and got up. This is my life now. It's perfect. Amethyst and Frankie have polished my roughed up life and made me the man I've always wanted to be. This marriage would work. This family would work. For me. For Amethyst. For Frankie. For us.


Thank you guys love you! This is the last chapter! But! There will be an epilogue! And let me know if I ahould do a Frank diary. Make diary enteries every day from Frank or Amethyst's P.o.V Let me know in the comments section.


Donna <3

P.S. Pic of Frank and Frankie to the side :)

The Kids From Yesterday; Frank Iero;My Chemical RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now