chapter 1: prologue

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3 1/2 years ago:

19 year old Jessica stood in the elevator clutching her bag in both hands so tight like it might slip away at any moment. She was trying to think of what she'd say but her mind was blank, she was terrified, her heart pounding outside of her chest. She was never very good at dealing with her anxiety ever since she was a child but what she was about to do is enough to make anyone nervous.

It felt like she was in the elevator for an eternity before she finally heard the ping and the doors slid open. She hesitated and contemplated backing out but she took a deep breath and stepped out onto the floor.

She took a few steps forward looking at a large glass door which is where she was directed to go by front desk but instead of going in all she could do was stand and stare at all the people inside unable to move like she were frozen in time until a tall well-dressed man brushed past her, bringing Jessica back to reality. He walked in the direction of the daunting glass doors so she took it as an opportunity to catch up to him.

"Hi sorry excuse me" Jessica called out. The man stopped and turned around to see her "Sorry to bother you but could you point me in the direction of Dr Reid's office?"

The man stood there for a second, gave her a quick glance up and down "you mean Spencer Reid?"

"yeah Spencer, do you know him?" Jessica's heart started beating even harder than before and was sure the gentleman could hear it beating.

"Yes of course, it's just through here" He motioned towards the glass doors "I'm agent Aaron Hotchner" He gave the girl a slight smile and extended a hand for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you i'm-" Jessica tried to swallow her nerves "A- Ava... Ava Smith" She wasn't entirely sure why she lied about her name. Maybe it was the nerves? Maybe she was scared they'd find out?

"Well ava if you'd like to follow me" He held the door open and gestured for Jessica to go through and she thanked him then followed closely behind until they reached an empty desk " I do apologise but it's seems as though he hasn't arrived yet, if you like you can wait with me in my office until he does? He shouldn't be long" she nodded and followed him to a large office and sat down in a chair opposite the man's desk. the pair  were both sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes as the man set up for the day with only the sound of Jessica nervously bouncing her leg.

"Nervous?" He questioned.

She placed a hand on her knee to stop her herself even though she felt as if she could throw up and anything moment she looked up and gave a fake smile "No no i'm fine just... it's been a long time"

He could tell she wasn't being entirely truthful but decided to let it slide and tried to fish for more information "So how do you know Dr Reid?"

"Oh he's just a- an old friend" She could feel a bead of sweat forming on her forehead which she quickly wiped away as the anticipation worsened.

"Would you mind me asking what you are meeting him for?" Agent Hotchner's concern started to grow with every vague and unconvincing answer he received from the young girl.

"Oh nothing... just a silly personal matter" she quickly brushed him off. Jessica could see him coming up with yet another question but luckily for her he was interrupted by the door swing open behind her. She turned to look and saw a tall, dark and handsome man with chocolate eyes lean in the room.

"Oh sorry Hotch i didn't mean to interrupt i thought you were alone, i'll come back" Said the stranger.

He went to shut the door but was stopped by Agent Hotchner "No need, come in. do you have something for me?"

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