Chapter 18: Christmas in Summer?

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Vultures were squawking in the middle of Death Valley looking out at the wasteland if the desert.

The Rust Bucket emerges driving through the desert and everyone inside was suffering from the heat.

Gwen: We are in the middle of the middle of nowhere.

Ben: Grandpa, can't you crank up the AC?

Max: I'm afraid it is at maximum right now. We'll stop at the next gas station.

Y/N: That is 100 miles away.

Charmcaster: I see why this place is called 'Death Valley', the heat is unbearable. 

Ben: I got an idea.

Ben then turned into Greymatter and entered the AC unit on the roof of the RV.

Y/N: I would object but it is so hot.

Greymatter: Recalibrating the freon evaporation cycle, expand the expansion valves and realign these condenser cords.

Gwen: Are you sure you know what you're doing?

Y/N: I got a bad feeling about this.

Charmcaster: Me to.

Greymatter: Have some faith, just got to... Uh oh.

Smoke shot out of the AC unit and everyone got out of the RV as Max pulled over to the side of the road as Y/N and Charmcaster grabbed their jackets since they took them off to try and cool off.

Greymatter: Sorry Grandpa, I miscalculated.

Y/N: Even with your smartest alien you still make the same mistakes.

Greymatter looked at Y/N with a serious look as he was on top of Gwens head.

Charmcaster: What is that?

She pointed to a weird structure in the distance, it looked small like a garden shed and what looks like two figures standing guard.

Greymatter: What is that doing in the middle of the desert?

Y/N: Could be a mirage.

Gwen: Grandpa, can we check it out?

Max: Sure don't sweat it.

The kids gave Max the death stare as he was laughing at the joke.

Max: Sorry, I couldn't help it.

Max and the kids went to check out the structure while Charmcaster and Y/N used their jackets to shield themselves from the sun as they got closer they saw it wasn't a mirage as Y/N suspected and the figures guarding the structure were actually nut crackers.

Max and the kids went to check out the structure while Charmcaster and Y/N used their jackets to shield themselves from the sun as they got closer they saw it wasn't a mirage as Y/N suspected and the figures guarding the structure were actually nu...

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Gwen: Toy soldiers? In Death Valley?

Y/N: Not any toy soldiers, these are nutcrackers.

Y/N approached one of them and tapped it to find it was solid.

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