Chapter 19: Big Bad Wolf

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Our heroes were now in New Mexico as Max wanted to meet up with an old friend Wes Green, when they arrived Max and Wes caught up and introduced his grandkids along with Y/N and Hope and Wes offered a tour around the village and items that were for sale.

Wes: Navajo legend says that the web of the dream catcher protects the dreamer by holding the nightmares in the center, while good dreams travel down the feathers to bless the person sleeping.

Hope: *mutters* Do these people really believe this stuff?

Y/N: *mutters* Humans on Earth are gullible, I managed to get into multiple schools with my fake name without any form of I.D.

Ben: *Yawn*

Gwen: Speaking of sleeping.

The magicians went to catch up to Max while Gwen pushed Ben in annoyance.

Ben: I know Mr Green is Grandpa's old buddy, but could this trip get anymore-

The sound of native American music echoed through out the area and Ben's eyes landed on a native American girl dancing.

The sound of native American music echoed through out the area and Ben's eyes landed on a native American girl dancing

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Ben: Cooler.

Wes: That's my granddaughter, Kai. 

Max: Wow Wes, the last time I saw her, she was barely walking. Now look at her.

Wes: She's performing the ceremonial Navajo dance.

Ben: Y'know, I was hoping to see one of those before the summer ended.

Y/N: Since when did you like Native American spiritual dance?

Ben: Since, forever. It rocks.

The song ended and Kai approached her grandfather before blushing when she laid her eyes on Y/N but he didn't notice while Gwen grew suspicious of Ben sudden interest in the dance. 

A storm cloud went over the village and it started to rain.

Gwen: Are you sure you're not doing a rain dance?

Kai: Positive. Why?

The rain got more heavy and purple coloured lightning struck the ground scaring off some tourists and some natives.

Gwen: That's why!

Max: Everyone in the Rust Bucket.

Wes, Kai, Max, Gwen, Hope and Y/N ran to the Rust Bucket for cover but Ben just stood there love stuck until a lightning bolt landed near him and where the lightning stuck a werewolf with glowing eyes looked at Ben.

Wes, Kai, Max, Gwen, Hope and Y/N ran to the Rust Bucket for cover but Ben just stood there love stuck until a lightning bolt landed near him and where the lightning stuck a werewolf with glowing eyes looked at Ben

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